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Posts Tagged ‘Worcester County’

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New Trails Now Open at Former Bay Club in Berlin with Additional Environmental Improvements Planned

New trails are available for adventurous hikers at the former Bay Club property in Worcester County, and soon local residents and visitors will see a number of environmental improvements coming to the property that’s now managed by the Maryland Forest Service. The currently unimproved trails offer about 12 miles in hiking opportunities throughout the land  Read the Rest…

Chesapeake Forest Hunting Tract Leasing Lottery Now Open

Deadline for hunt clubs to enter the lottery is August 23 Hunt clubs interested in obtaining a hunting lease agreement on Chesapeake Forest Lands can enter a lottery for available tracts in Wicomico and Worcester Counties.  The Maryland Department of Natural Resources will accept online entries until August 23. Winning clubs will have the right to obtain a ten-year lease agreement, at the  Read the Rest…

Maryland Department of Natural Resources Purchases Former Bay Club Golf Course to Preserve Open Space in Worcester County

Partnership with Lower Shore Land Trust Adds to Chesapeake Forest Lands The Maryland Department of Natural Resources, in partnership with Lower Shore Land Trust, today announced the  purchase of the former Bay Club near Berlin, Worcester County, from Carl M. Freeman Companies. Formerly a golf club, this purchase will help  conserve 672 acres in the  Read the Rest…

Maryland Fall Foliage Report: November 12, 2020

Welcome to the Fall Foliage Report for November 12, brought to you by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. Fall colors have finally reached their peak in Southern Maryland and the lower Eastern Shore. Plan a drive or hike to get out and see the foliage this weekend!

Hunting Lottery Open for Chesapeake Forest Lands

Deadline for Hunt Clubs to Enter Lottery is Aug. 25 Hunt clubs interested in obtaining a hunting lease agreement on Chesapeake Forest Lands can now enter a lottery for individual, non-leased tracts in Caroline, Dorchester, Somerset, Wicomico, and Worcester counties. The Maryland Department of Natural Resources will accept online entries until 11:59 p.m. on Aug. 25, 2020.

Species of Carnivorous Plant Found in Maryland

Dwarf Sundew Expands its Range North Botanists from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources and The Nature Conservancy recently confirmed the discovery of a new plant species in Maryland — the dwarf sundew (Drosera brevifolia). Local volunteer botanist Chase Howard discovered and reported the plant growing in open areas with wet, peaty sand in Worcester  Read the Rest…

Army Corps Kicks Off Ocean City Inlet Navigation Improvement Project

Public Meeting to be Scheduled for Spring The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Maryland Department of Natural Resources, and Worcester County signed a Project Partnership Agreement Feb. 14 to start work on a navigation improvement project to address sediment accumulation, or shoaling, within the Ocean City Inlet. This navigation channel is regularly used by commercial  Read the Rest…

$2.1 Million Approved for Rural Legacy Program

Conservation Easements Protect Farmland and Watersheds The Board of Public Works today approved Rural Legacy Program grants totaling $2.1 million that will provide dedicated state funding to permanently protect working farms and forests, and provide vegetative stream buffers to improve water quality and bolster climate resilience in designated areas across the state. Working through local governments and  Read the Rest…

$25 Million Approved for Rural Legacy Program

Harriet Tubman Rural Legacy Area Designated in Dorchester County; Five Other Areas Expanded The Board of Public Works today approved 16 Rural Legacy Program grants – totaling over $25 million – that will provide dedicated state funding to permanently protect working farms and forests in designated areas across the state. Working through local government and private  Read the Rest…

Six Coastal Resiliency Projects Approved by Board of Public Works

$380,000 to Design Restoration Projects in Four Jurisdictions The Board of Public Works today approved funding for six Coastal Resiliency Grant Program projects, selected through a competitive solicitation, to help Maryland’s communities enhance their resiliency to the effects of climate change, erosion, flooding and extreme weather. In year two of the program, the Maryland Department of Natural  Read the Rest…

Climate Resilience Grants Awarded to 14 Maryland Communities

$700,000 Provided to Address Climate Change, Flooding, Sea Level Rise The Maryland Department of Natural Resources today announced $700,000 in Climate Resilience Grants to help communities prepare for and recover from climate-related impacts. The competitive grants are designed to help strengthen a community’s ability to assess risk through planning and construct solutions to boost their  Read the Rest…

Board of Public Works Approves Expansion of Pocomoke State Forest

Program Open Space Acquisition Benefits Environment and Outdoor Recreation The Board of Public Works today unanimously voted to approve the Maryland Department of Natural Resources acquisition of 224.5 acres in Worcester County as an addition to Pocomoke State Forest. The site provides both exceptional ecological benefits as well as recreational opportunities, especially for hikers — with trails linking Pocomoke River State  Read the Rest…

Maryland Arbor Day Shines Light on Trees

Celebration Branches into State’s Highest Offices Today is Maryland Arbor Day, celebrated the first Wednesday of April every year. The Maryland Department of Natural Resources is highlighting the importance of trees by delivering seedlings to Maryland’s elected officials and leaders, and honoring the achievements of individuals who have contributed to the state’s tree farming industry. Following an  Read the Rest…

Free Tree Seedlings Available for Lower Eastern Shore Landowners

Available to Riparian Homeowners in Somerset and Worcester The Maryland Department of Natural Resources is offering free tree plantings to help improve water quality in targeted Lower Eastern Shore communities. Somerset and Worcester County landowners who have a creek, drainage ditch, stream or other waterway on or near their property are eligible for free tree seedlings through the department’s Backyard  Read the Rest…

Governor Larry Hogan Announces Military Veterans to Receive Free Admission to Maryland State Parks

Complimentary Benefit Extends to Residents and Nonresidents In honor of Veterans Day, Governor Larry Hogan announced today that all military veterans, including residents and nonresidents, will be granted free admission and entrance to the network of 72 state parks managed by the Maryland Park Service. The governor’s announcement directly impacts over 414,000 veterans living in  Read the Rest…

Fall Foliage and Festival Report: November 11-12

Welcome to the Fall Foliage and Festival Report for the weekend of Nov. 11-12, brought to you by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources and Maryland Office of Tourism. In western Maryland it appears that everything is happening at once, as eastern Allegany, Washington and Frederick counties are all reporting peak conditions, although muted. Weather has  Read the Rest…

Board of Public Works Approves $23 Million for 17 Rural Legacy Program Grants

Grants Permanently Protect 6,500 Acres Governor Larry Hogan today announced that the Board of Public Works, including Comptroller Peter Franchot and Treasurer Nancy Kopp, unanimously adopted a Maryland Department of Natural Resources recommendation approving 17 Rural Legacy Program grants – totaling over $23 million. Funding from these grants will permanently protect over 6,500 acres of working farms, forests and  Read the Rest…

Volunteer Fire Departments Awarded Grants to Fight Wildland Fires

Department Provides a Record $102,548 to 45 Departments in 17 Counties The Maryland Department of Natural Resources announced today that a record number of volunteer fire departments applied for and received Volunteer Fire Assistance Grants in 2017, resulting in the most funding distributed in state history. “Volunteer Fire Assistance Grants allow us to support our first  Read the Rest…

Pocomoke River State Park Celebrates 50th Anniversary

All-Day Celebration Sept. 30 Features Outdoor Events and Open House The Maryland Department of Natural Resources proudly celebrates the golden anniversary of Pocomoke River State Park. Marylanders are invited Sept. 30 to take part in the story of this unique state park — boasting America’s northernmost cypress trees, a blackwater river darkened by fallen cypress needles and a Maryland  Read the Rest…

Department Awards $10.5 Million to Enhance Boating Access and Navigation

18 Maryland Counties Receive Waterway Improvement Fund Grants The Maryland Department of Natural Resources is providing $10.5 million in Waterway Improvement Fund grants to improve public boating access and navigation throughout the state. Passed by the Maryland General Assembly and signed by Governor Larry Hogan, this critical funding will go toward 49 projects in 18 counties from Allegany  Read the Rest…

Keep Maryland Beautiful Program Awards $160,000 in Grants

49 Recipients Get Funds for Local Cleanup and Conservation Activities The Maryland Environmental Trust has awarded 49 Keep Maryland Beautiful grants totaling over $160,000 to municipalities, nonprofits and schools for beautification projects, community cleanup activities and environmental education programs throughout the state. Nineteen counties and Baltimore City received the grants, an annual program funded by the Maryland Environmental Trust, Maryland Department  Read the Rest…

Six Men Charged with Striped Bass Violations

The Maryland Natural Resources Police handled oyster and striped bass cases and made a drug arrest in recent enforcement activity on the Eastern Shore. Three men were charged Monday with illegal oystering in Talbot County after an investigation of activity in Broad Creek and Tred Avon River.

