Earlier this week, Maryland’s Department of Natural Resources (DNR) expanded its long-term contract with USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) to provide more wildlife technicians in the state to dispose of dead waterfowl, raptors, and other birds that could be carrying Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza. The federal agency specializes in eliminating and removing Read the Rest…
Trip highlights opportunities to enjoy farm-fresh Maryland ice cream after hiking at a state park or natural resource management area Today, Maryland Department of Agriculture Secretary Kevin Atticks and Department of Natural Resources Secretary Josh Kurtz visited Rocky Point Creamery in Tuscarora after hiking a trail at the Monocacy Natural Resources Management Area in Dickerson Read the Rest…
Grants Supports Communities, Land Trusts, and Nonprofits Maryland Environmental Trust has approved 18 grants totaling $236,276 to be awarded for environmental education, community cleanup, and beautification projects through the Keep Maryland Beautiful program. Grants through the Keep Maryland Beautiful program are awarded to volunteer-based and nonprofit groups, communities, schools, and land trusts in Maryland. The Read the Rest…
Last month, the U.S. Department of Commerce notified Maryland Gov. Wes Moore that it has declined Maryland’s request for a federal commercial fisheries disaster declaration that was sought to help address the economic and ecological damage caused by the spread of invasive catfish and snakeheads in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Maryland made the unique request Read the Rest…
The Maryland Departments of Natural Resources, Transportation, and Agriculture, along with the Chesapeake Bay Trust, are partnering to accept applications for this year’s Keep Maryland Beautiful Grants program. These grants are offered annually to volunteer groups, nonprofit organizations, communities, and land trusts in Maryland to support environmental education projects, community stewardship, and the protection of Read the Rest…
Cabinet Secretaries Honor Businesses for Their Efforts Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Secretary Jeannie Haddaway-Riccio along with key staff from DNR and the Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA) visited Maryland’s Eastern Shore to recognize wholesale commercial and retail businesses in the seafood industry last week. The tour included stops at Wittman Wharf Seafood in Read the Rest…
Maryland Public-Private Partnership Puts Invasive Fish to Good Use The Conowingo Dam employs fish lifts to help migrating fish species navigate the Susquehanna River to their spawning grounds, but the lifts also catch unwelcomed fish – invasive catfish and snakehead. Through a public-private partnership between the Maryland Department of Resources (DNR), dam owner Exelon Corp., Read the Rest…
Funding Will Protect 4,500 Acres Statewide The Board of Public Works today unanimously approved recommendations of more than $18.8 million in Rural Legacy Program grants for conservation easements in 18 counties. Funding from these grants will permanently protect more than 4,500 acres of working farms, forests, open space, shorelines, and wetlands — plus cultural and Read the Rest…
Banned Pesticide Implicated in Poisoning of Bald Eagles on Eastern Shore The Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA) and the Maryland Department of Natural Resources are working together to address the continued illegal use of carbofuran—a banned pesticide that has been implicated in recent poisoning events in Kent and Talbot counties that have killed at least Read the Rest…
Public invited to comment on draft Phase III Watershed Implementation Plan A draft plan for continued progress in restoring Maryland’s portion of the Chesapeake Bay is now available for public review and comment. The draft Phase III Watershed Implementation Plan represents the next step in Maryland meeting its commitments as part of a multi-state bay Read the Rest…
Scientific Collaborative Sees Best Bay Progress in Decades Maryland’s Coastal Bays have received their highest grade ever reported according to the new 2017 Coastal Bays Report Card from the Maryland Coastal Bays Program, a snapshot assessment on the health and resiliency of the coastal bays surrounding Ocean City and Assateague Island. The “B-” grade reflects Read the Rest…
Program to Provide Quality Nutrition, Reduce Impact on Chesapeake Bay The Maryland Department of General Services (DGS)—in partnership with the departments of Agriculture and Natural Resources—has awarded contracts to Jessup-based Reliant Fish Co. and Congressional Seafood Co. for a program that will create sales of Maryland-harvested blue catfish to state institutions providing food services. The Read the Rest…
Harriet Tubman Rural Legacy Area Designated in Dorchester County; Five Other Areas Expanded The Board of Public Works today approved 16 Rural Legacy Program grants – totaling over $25 million – that will provide dedicated state funding to permanently protect working farms and forests in designated areas across the state. Working through local government and private Read the Rest…
State Urges Marylanders to take Precautions to Protect Livestock, Pets, and Humans A National Veterinary Services Laboratory test has confirmed the presence of the Haemaphysalis longicornis tick, also known as the East Asian tick, the longhorned tick, and the bush tick, in Maryland. This is the first confirmed sighting of this tick species in the Read the Rest…
Statewide Program Focuses on Most Cost-Effective and Efficient Water Quality Improvement Projects The Maryland Department of Natural Resources released today the Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Trust Fund 2018 Annual Report, which details the program’s activities, expenditures and initiatives, including restoring 2,700 acres of wetlands, installing 1,161 acres of riparian buffer and educating and engaging Read the Rest…
Grants Permanently Protect 6,500 Acres Governor Larry Hogan today announced that the Board of Public Works, including Comptroller Peter Franchot and Treasurer Nancy Kopp, unanimously adopted a Maryland Department of Natural Resources recommendation approving 17 Rural Legacy Program grants – totaling over $23 million. Funding from these grants will permanently protect over 6,500 acres of working farms, forests and Read the Rest…
Fair Hill International (FHI) is pleased to announce that it has been recommended by the United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) to host the second CCI4* (4*) in the United States. The recommendation will be forwarded to the Federation Equestre Internationale (FEI) for a final decision in the fall. The 4* is the pinnacle of the Read the Rest…