Funding Supports Projects Fostering Science and Stewardship The Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has announced $128,000 in awards for student and youth outdoor science, and watershed education in the state. The following schools and nonprofit organizations will receive funding during Fiscal Year 2023.
Deadline for Hunt Clubs to Enter Lottery is Aug. 25 Hunt clubs interested in obtaining a hunting lease agreement on Chesapeake Forest Lands can now enter a lottery for individual, non-leased tracts in Caroline, Dorchester, Somerset, Wicomico, and Worcester counties. The Maryland Department of Natural Resources will accept online entries until 11:59 p.m. on Aug. 25, 2020.
Public Meeting Scheduled in Salisbury Sept. 24 The Maryland Department of Natural Resources has developed a new, revised proposal for administering hunting leases on Chesapeake Forest Lands. A copy of the new revised proposal and place for comment is available on the department’s website. Additionally the department is hosting a public meeting from 6 p.m. Read the Rest…
The Maryland Department of Natural Resources announced that counties and municipalities can now apply for grant funding from the National Park Service’s Land and Water Conservation Fund. Local governments should submit preliminary application forms by Sept. 19. Land and Water Conservation Fund projects must be in direct support of public outdoor recreation. Eligible proposals include Read the Rest…
Comments Taken on Proposed Changes Through July Aug. 19 The Maryland Department of Natural Resources is accepting public comment on a proposal for restructuring the Chesapeake Forest Lands lease program for hunting clubs.
Forest Service to Review Proposed Changes June 18 The Maryland Department of Natural Resources will host a public meeting June 18 to present a newly developed proposal for restructuring the Chesapeake Forest Lands lease program for hunting clubs. Maryland Forest Service staff will be on hand to answer general questions about the proposal and provide Read the Rest…
Investigation Completed for Incident on Choptank River Maryland Natural Resources have charged a Caroline County sheriff’s deputy with rape and other charges stemming from a July 2018 incident on a boat in the Choptank River. Kevin John Nagyiski was charged March 13 with second degree rape, third degree sex offense, fourth degree sexual contact and second degree assault.
Welcome to the Fall Foliage and Festival Report for the weekend of Oct. 6 and 7, brought to you by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. What a difference a week makes! In Western Maryland, autumn began with a slow start; however, the most recent field reports are encouraging. Garrett County Forester Melissa Nash says Read the Rest…
49 Fire Departments in 17 Counties Receive $104,099 The Maryland Department of Natural Resources announced the 2018 Volunteer Fire Assistance grants to 49 volunteer fire departments. The projects, distributed throughout 17 counties, aim to assist volunteer fire companies and departments enhance wildland fire protection in rural areas and communities. The Maryland Forest Service awarded $104,099 in Read the Rest…
Collection Sites in Frederick and Washington Counties Open Until Oct. 26 Every year, about 6 million tree seedlings are grown at the John S. Ayton State Tree Nursery, located near Preston in Caroline County. About 47 different conifer, hardwood and shrub species, most native to Maryland, are grown each year, many of which are planted Read the Rest…
Dedicates $2 Million a Year for Oyster Fishery and Recovery Governor Larry Hogan announced today that the Maryland Department of Transportation and Maryland Department of Natural Resources have entered into a new agreement that will provide millions of dollars for ongoing oyster activities in Chesapeake Bay. “Our administration has invested more than $4 billion to Read the Rest…
Projects Funded Statewide for Better Boating Access, Navigation and Safety The Maryland Department of Natural Resources is providing $12.5 million in Waterway Improvement Fund grants to enhance and improve public boating access, facilities and navigation throughout the state. This critical Fiscal Year 2019 funding will go toward 57 projects in 18 counties, from Garrett to Wicomico counties as well Read the Rest…
Help the Park Stay Clean and Green, Then Help Yourself to Fun and Adventure Earth Day is a time when the world comes together to better our environment, just as the Maryland Department of Natural Resources works to enhance, protect and restore the Chesapeake Bay and great outdoors. Citizens can pitch in this year by Read the Rest…
Sunday Hunting Contributed to Total Maryland hunters reported taking 34,412 deer during the state’s most popular hunt, the two-week firearm season. The total was similar to last year’s official harvest of 35,002. The Maryland Department of Natural Resources reported that more than 4,000 deer were taken on the two Sundays during the season, more than 10 percent of Read the Rest…
Public Comments Accepted Through Dec. 6 The Maryland Department of Natural Resources is seeking public comment on the 15-year vision plan for Idylwild Wildlife Management Area, a 3,578-acre property in Caroline County. The vision plan was developed to establish long-term goals, and maintain and manage public access for outdoor recreation and natural resource protection. It Read the Rest…
Welcome to the Fall Foliage and Festival Report for the weekend of Nov. 18-19, brought to you by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources and Maryland Office of Tourism. Well the Maryland leaf peeper season is coming to a close. While there are some spots of red and yellow in St. Mary’s County and some oaks peaking in Read the Rest…
Officers on saturation patrol for illegal deer hunters in southern Caroline County charged a Delaware man Saturday night with spotlighting a field. An observer aboard Natural 1, the Maryland Natural Resources Police helicopter, saw a vehicle slowly approach the intersection of Gregg and Ellwanger roads near the Maryland and Delaware state line. The vehicle then Read the Rest…
Welcome to the Fall Foliage and Festival Report for the weekend of Oct. 28 and 29, brought to you by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources and Maryland Office of Tourism. Well, this is the weekend for ghosts, goblins and other fright-worthy tricks and treats, and there are lots of Halloween events for everyone to enjoy!
Grants Permanently Protect 6,500 Acres Governor Larry Hogan today announced that the Board of Public Works, including Comptroller Peter Franchot and Treasurer Nancy Kopp, unanimously adopted a Maryland Department of Natural Resources recommendation approving 17 Rural Legacy Program grants – totaling over $23 million. Funding from these grants will permanently protect over 6,500 acres of working farms, forests and Read the Rest…
Department Provides a Record $102,548 to 45 Departments in 17 Counties The Maryland Department of Natural Resources announced today that a record number of volunteer fire departments applied for and received Volunteer Fire Assistance Grants in 2017, resulting in the most funding distributed in state history. “Volunteer Fire Assistance Grants allow us to support our first Read the Rest…
Welcome to the Fall Foliage and Festival Report for the weekend of Sept. 23 and 24, brought to you by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources and the Maryland Office of Tourism. It’s official! It’s autumn in Maryland. When this weekend rolls in, thoughts will begin to turn to the sights, sounds and scents of Read the Rest…
Sealed Bids Accepted Until Oct. 17 The Maryland Department of Natural Resources is currently accepting bids for the 2017-2018 trapping seasons at several Eastern Shore Wildlife Management Areas – Ellis Bay, Fishing Bay, Idylwild, LeCompte, Linkwood, Nanticoke River, Taylor’s Island and Wetipquin.
A West Virginia man has been arrested and charged in connection with a recent series of fires that damaged almost 58 acres in Green Ridge State Forest in Allegany County. Brian Chad Twigg, 19, of Paw Paw, West Virginia, was arrested on a warrant Monday and ordered held on a $5,000 bond at the Allegany Read the Rest…
Sunday Hunting Now Permitted on Private Lands in Kent County Spring turkey hunting season starts statewide April 18, and a growing number of Maryland counties now allow hunting on Sundays. Governor Larry Hogan signed legislation from the 2017 General Assembly permitting turkey hunting on private land in Kent County on all remaining Sundays during the 2017 Read the Rest…
Reducing Runoff at MedStar Harbor Hospital and Providing Green Space for Patient Rehabilitation From the Chesapeake Bay Trust: Today the Chesapeake Bay Trust (the Trust), Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR), the Chesapeake Bay Program, MedStar Harbor Hospital, Blue Water Baltimore, and Plisko Sustainable Solutions announced plans to design nine green infrastructure facilities with funds Read the Rest…