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Natural Resources News

Board of Public Works Approves $620,000 for Land Conservation in Harford and Worcester Counties

Funding approved for DNR’s Rural Legacy program

Photo of creek in wooded area with person kayaking

Funding approved today will acquire an easement in the Dividing Creek Rural Legacy Area, one of the most pristine and ecologically significant watershed basins on the mid-Atlantic. Maryland Department of Natural Resources photo.

The Board of Public Works today approved Maryland Department of Natural Resources items totaling $620,000 in Rural Legacy grants to local governments to protect land with perpetual conservation easements. This grant funding was approved for two counties. 

Harford County will receive funding to acquire a conservation easement on 41 forested acres within the Deer Creek Rural Legacy Area. This easement will protect 4,500 feet of stream buffer along Rock Run and its tributaries, which are important water sources for the Susquehanna River. Additionally, the easement will protect habitat for forest interior dwelling species of birds, which need large blocks of undisturbed forest in order to successfully nest.

Worcester County will receive funding to acquire an easement on 94 acres of prime agricultural land in the Nassawango Creek and the Pocomoke River watersheds, within the Dividing Creek Rural Legacy Area. The easement will protect this productive farm, which contributes to the local economy, and will also preserve significant scenic views along three public roads. Read more…

Secretary’s Message: Charting a New Course for Chesapeake Bay Restoration in Maryland

Photo of pre-dawn sky over the bay from a shoreline in winter

Photo: “New Dawn on the Chesapeake Bay” by S.C. Bridgman, submitted to the 2023 Maryland DNR Photo Contest.

It’s time to re-invigorate our strategy and build on significant work and progress we started more than 40 years ago to restore the Chesapeake Bay. 

This movement will be focused on people. It will leave no watershed behind. Read more…

Marylanders Brave Wind and Cold to Welcome 2025 with First Day Hikes

Photo of rangers with First Day Hike sign

Maryland Department of Natural Resources photo

Maryland State Parks kicked off 2025 with its annual First Day Hike tradition, joined by more than 5,200 visitors across the state. Although January 1 was windy and cold across most of Maryland, the enthusiasm for stepping into a new year was warm.

On New Year’s Day, 2,266 people hiked more than 5,260 miles on 39 ranger-led First Day Hikes at state parks throughout Maryland. Some highlights included the 18-mile First Day Bike on the Torey C. Brown Trail, an Adaptive Hike at Patapsco Valley State Park, and a first-ever Night Hike at Calvert Cliffs State Park. 

In addition, more than 3,000 visitors participated in “Open Houses” on January 1 and joined self-guided hikes on their own time and at their own pace and mileage. Nearly 3,000 visitors participated, with 2,400 visiting Seneca Creek State Park alone. Read more…

From the Yellow Farm House to the White House: A Journey of Conservation and Connection

By Ranger Sarah Milbourne

Photo of woman holding an eagle

Ranger Sarah Milbourne and “Mo,” one of Maryland’s bald eagles from the Scales & Tales program, visit the White House in 2023. Photo by Ranger Jessica Conley.

I can vividly remember the first time I saw a bald eagle in the wild. 

I was about nine or ten, helping my grandfather clear weeds around his bright-yellow farm house in Ingleside, on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. A World War II veteran, tall and lanky, my grandfather never spoke of his time in the Ardennes, but he loved to talk about nature. We bonded over the changing seasons, the animals that roamed his farm, and his decidedly mixed feelings about bald eagles. The white-headed raptor would sometimes disturb the peaceful ducks bobbing on his pond. He shook his head in frustration. 

I, however, shook my head in wonder. This was one of just three eagles I would see in the first 23 years of my life. 

Fast forward to December 2023: I found myself atop the aviary at Rocky Gap State Park, clearing debris with a rake when my phone buzzed.

“Hi, this is Emily from the White House. Do you have a bald eagle?” the voice on the line asked. Read more…

Maryland Departments of Natural Resources, Environment Celebrate Milestone of 1 Million Trees Planted

State is on track towards 5 million trees goal after plantings increased significantly in 2024

A group of volunteers stand with trees in front of a hospital building

Maryland Forest Service staff, along with volunteers from MedStar Harbor Hospital and the National Aquarium, plant trees at MedStar Harbor Hospital in Baltimore in a 2024 planting for the 5 Million Trees Initiative. DNR photo

Before the close of 2024, Maryland planted more than 1 million trees towards the state’s 5 Million Trees Initiative.

The millionth tree was planted in western Maryland in the fall, according to Maryland Department of Natural Resources data.

The milestone came as the state saw a substantial increase in tree plantings in the past year. The rate of tree plantings for the initiative increased by more than 100% from 2023 to 2024. Read more…

DNR and Baltimore City Take Next Step in Establishing Gwynns Falls as a ‘Partnership Park’

Maryland Department of Natural Resources, the Office of Mayor Brandon Scott, and Baltimore City Recreation and Parks join forces to maximize resources, enhance stewardship, and increase accessibility in Baltimore City’s largest park

Photo of four men with shovels in a park

A crew with Maryland DNR’s Conservation Jobs Corps working with Baltimore City and volunteers to plant trees at Gwynn Falls Park. Maryland Department of Natural Resources photo.

Gwynns Falls is Baltimore City’s largest park and among the largest urban woodland parks in the country. This 1,000-plus acre greenspace in the Western part of the city is an invaluable ecological and community resource that includes old-growth forests, miles of trails, historic structures, recreational and educational programming, and critical habitat for birds and wildlife inside an urban area.

To maximize resources, meet local needs, and promote partnership to create the best experience at Gwynn Falls, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is collaborating with Baltimore City Recreation and Parks (BCRP) and the Office of Mayor Brandon Scott to establish Gwynns Falls State Park as a “partnership park” jointly managed and maintained by the state and the city. Read more…

Maryland Natural Resources Police Report: Fall 2024

NRP officers rescue eastern box turtles and eastern painted turtles from a Hollywood residence in October.

NRP officers rescue eastern box turtles and eastern painted turtles from a Hollywood residence in October. Maryland DNR photo.

The Maryland Natural Resources Police (NRP) issued various citations and made numerous arrests for violations of criminal and natural resource law throughout the fall season of 2024. Charges filed against individuals include hunting out of season, baiting game animals, theft, weapons violations, spotlighting deer, commercial oyster violations, and other crimes. Read more…

Love in the Maryland Wild

Photo by Christopher-Szumlanski

Photo by Christopher-Szumlanski

“In nature, nothing exists alone.” – Rachel Carson

Now that many winter holiday celebrations have come and gone, the next on the horizon is Valentine’s Day. Since this is a holiday rife with confusing human history and a variety of social traditions, let’s turn to the animals for some Valentine’s Day wisdom and explore some of the amazing relationships found within Maryland’s wildlife communities. Read more…

Refresh, Renew, Revitalize: Brushing off the Cobwebs and Rolling Up Our Sleeves

Set some realistic green goals for the New Year!

Bloodroot Emerging. Photo by Robert Severynse

Bloodroot Emerging. Photo by Robert Severynse

As spring approaches, animals stir in their winter dens, and we as humans tend to throw open our windows to the returning sun. What a time for shaking off the dust of winter! And what a time to stretch our stiff limbs to new life – to refresh, renew, and revitalize!

The idea of changing your lifestyle can be daunting, and it’s something many of us hope to do every New Year. But what we’ve learned over time is that the changes that tend to stick are the ones you make gradually. So if you’re looking to make a positive environmental change in your life this year, consider choosing just one of the goals below to make your life, and our world, a little greener! Read more…

Native Animal Profile: Cold Weather-Loving Bugs

Photo by John Mullican

Photo by John Mullican

“Paying attention is a form of reciprocity with the living world, receiving the gifts with open eyes and open hearts.” – Robin Wall Kimmerer

A walk outside in the winter months always feels strikingly different from the summer, not just in the temperatures and the way the natural world looks, but in the way it sounds too. Other than the swish of your winter coat, the occasional bird chirp, and the crunch of dry leaves or freshly fallen snow, winter in Maryland can be a pretty quiet environment. 

This silence is owed at least in part to the absence of active insects. The buzzing of busy bees and hungry mosquitoes, chirping crickets and shouting cicadas can really cause quite a ruckus, but most of our summer singers seem to disappear in winter. Read more…

Native Plant Profile: Serviceberry

When spring approaches, one of the first vivid colors to pierce our sleepy winter eyes is often the stark magenta of Eastern Redbud. One may be forgiven, then, in overlooking the explosion of white blooms that appear at the same time, though they signal the awakening of a similarly important species: the versatile serviceberry!

Common Serviceberry during the early ripening process, by Bill Harms via Maryland Biodiversity Project

Common Serviceberry during the early ripening process, by Bill Harms via Maryland Biodiversity Project

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On Hart-Miller Island, Wildlife Abounds in ‘Manmade’ Space

Park photographer shares his stories of coyotes, waterfowl and “one turkey” on the dredged island 

A fox curled up on a rock with its eyes open

A resting fox curls up on a rock on Hart-Miller Island. Photo by Cory Byrne/DNR

To Cory Byrne, nothing sums up Hart-Miller Island like its foxes.

When the seasonal ranger would make his rounds along Hart-Miller Island State Park, he noticed that the foxes would stick around the road, sometimes playing, sometimes snoozing on a rock. Read more…

Firearm Hunting for Deer Resumes in Maryland Jan. 10

Additional hunting opportunities available in most counties

A buck standing in a clearing near a tree

Photo by Steve Edwards, submitted to the 2018 Maryland DNR Photo Contest.

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources will open the winter firearm deer hunting season on Jan. 10, 2025 in Deer Management Region B, which includes all of the state except the westernmost counties. Hunters with a valid hunting license may use firearms to harvest sika and white-tailed deer during this season.

The season is open Jan. 10-11 in all of Region B. The season is also open Sunday, Jan. 12 on private and designated public lands in Cecil, St. Mary’s, Somerset, Wicomico, and Worcester counties, and on private lands only in Calvert, Caroline, Carroll, Charles, Dorchester, Frederick, Harford, Kent, Montgomery, Queen Anne’s, Somerset, Talbot, and Washington (Zone 1) counties. Shooting hours end at 10:30 a.m. in Kent, Montgomery, Talbot, and Wicomico counties. Read more…

Marylanders Asked to Stay Alert For Cold-Stunned Aquatic Wildlife

Lethargic sea turtles and marine mammals should be reported to 800-628-9944

A cold-stunned sea turtle floating in the water

A sea turtle exhibiting signs of cold-stunning. Maryland Department of Natural Resources photo

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources asks those visiting the Chesapeake Bay or Atlantic coast to be vigilant of sea turtles who exhibit signs of cold-stunning, a condition that causes animals to become debilitated and experience hypothermia-like symptoms due to prolonged exposure to cold temperatures. 

Cold-stunning typically occurs in late autumn and early winter when water temperatures begin to fall or when temperatures drop rapidly in a 24-hour period. Lethargic and unresponsive animals can be a danger to themselves and potentially to boaters. Cold-stunning can ultimately be lethal to certain species.  Read more…

First Day Hikes Invites Marylanders to Start 2025 Outdoors

Hikers make Maryland public lands part of their New Year’s tradition

Photo of people on a beach

Hikers welcome 2024 at Assateague State Park. Photo by Anthony Burrows, Maryland Department of Natural Resources.

Maryland residents and visitors are invited to start the new year on the right foot with First Day Hikes, part of a nationwide initiative led by America’s State Parks. From December 31, 2024, through January 2, 2025, Marylanders can explore the beauty of their local state parks through a variety of guided and self-guided hiking opportunities.

This annual tradition offers a fantastic way to reconnect with nature, get some fresh air, and celebrate the start of 2025. With hikes available across the state, there is an option for everyone. Read more…

College Student from Baltimore City named 17th FishMaryland Master Angler

Roman Dombrowski reaches the milestone award with a 66-inch bluefin tuna caught off Ocean City

Photo of man on a beach holding a fish

Master Angler Roman Dombrowski with a trophy sized red drum that was released. The fish was 43 inches long and caught from the surf at Assateague Island. Photo courtesy of Roman Dombrowski, used with permission by Maryland Department of Natural Resources.

Roman Dombrowski, of Baltimore City, has earned a Master Angler Milestone Award under the Maryland Department of Natural Resources’ FishMaryland program. 

Dombrowski, 20, is the 17th Master Angler since the program began in 2019. The award recognizes recreational anglers who catch ten trophy-sized fish of different species in Maryland.  Read more…

Maryland Hunters Harvest 30,833 Deer during Two-Week Firearms Season

Harvest increased nearly 9% compared to last year’s total

Photo of deer in the woods

Photo by Ranger Elena Gilroy, Maryland Department of Natural Resources

Maryland hunters reported harvesting 30,833 deer during the two-week firearm season from Nov. 30 through Dec. 14. The firearms season harvest was almost 9% higher than last year’s official count of 28,312 deer. Read more…

Maryland Fishing Report – December 18

Photo of sunset from the back of a boat.

This Chesapeake Bay sunset helped close out the 2024 striped bass season. Photo by Keith Lockwood

This will be the last weekly fishing report of 2024. All of us at the Maryland Department of Natural Resources wish you the happiest holidays with family and friends. There is still plenty of fishing to be had during the winter months so please be sure to check what’s in season and enjoy. 

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources and Sport Fisheries Advisory Commission are seeking nominations for the annual Maryland Sport Fisheries Achievement Award, a celebration of conservation, education, and sportsmanship. Nominations for the Maryland Sport Fisheries Achievement Award are being accepted now through January 31, 2025. Recipients will receive a proclamation signed by the Secretary of the Department of Natural Resources and the chair of the Sport Fisheries Advisory Commission. More information about the nominating process is on the DNR website. 

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Board of Public Works Approves $2.7 Million for Park Improvements, Recreational Facilities, and Land Conservation in Harford, Prince George’s, Worcester, and Other Counties

Funding approved for DNR’s Program Open Space Local and Rural Legacy programs

Photo of creek and rural valley

Deer Creek Valley in Harford County; Rural Legacy funding was approved for the county to acquire conservation easements on two properties in the Deer Creek Rural Legacy Area to protect water quality in the Broad Creek and Deer Creek watersheds. Maryland DNR photo.

The Board of Public Works today approved Maryland Department of Natural Resources items totaling $2.7 million in grants to local governments to improve parks and protect land with perpetual conservation easements.

About $2.1 million in Program Open Space – Local was approved for five projects including funds for the acquisition of six acres to expand the Northern Worcester Athletic Complex in Worcester County and funds for repairs to the indoor pool deck at the Greenbelt Aquatic and Fitness Center in Prince George’s County. Read more…

Nominations Now Being Accepted for 2025 Sport Fisheries Achievement Award

Recognition for Conservation, Education, and Sportsmanship

Photo of man being presented an award certificate

Dr. Ray Morgan receives the 2024 Sport Fisheries Achievement Award from Maryland Department of Natural Resources Secretary Josh Kurtz. Photo by Anthony Burrows, Maryland DNR.

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources and Sport Fisheries Advisory Commission are seeking nominations for the annual Maryland Sport Fisheries Achievement Award, a celebration of conservation, education, and sportsmanship. This prestigious honor recognizes individuals who have provided sustained efforts in habitat management, conservation, education, research, or other meaningful contributions that benefit fish and recreational fishing in Maryland. 

Nominations for the Maryland Sport Fisheries Achievement Award are being accepted now through January 31, 2025. Recipients will receive a proclamation signed by the Secretary of the Department of Natural Resources and the chair of the Sport Fisheries Advisory Commission.  Read more…

New Maryland Clean Marina Certified in Anne Arundel County

Facility meets standards to improve local water quality and help restore the Chesapeake Bay

Logo of Maryland Clean Marina programThe Maryland Department of Natural Resources has certified Gingerville Marina Center in Anne Arundel County as the newest Maryland Clean Marina

The department awards this designation to marinas that comply with all applicable regulatory requirements and voluntarily adopt a significant portion of recommended best practices in the Maryland Clean Marina Guidebook. There are now 144 certified Clean Marinas in Maryland, representing about 30% of the marinas in the state. 

To meet the award’s criteria, the marina management implemented required storm water sampling, installed new plantings near the water’s edge, updated rules for contractors and boaters to control pollutants, and cleaned several storm water traps and drains. They recently installed a new sewage pumpout station and improved their spill response kit as well.  Read more…

Atlantic Population Canada Goose Season Begins Dec. 20

Split season ends Jan. 4, resumes Jan. 15

Photo of three geese flying lower over water

Photo by John Ruffa, submitted to the 2021 Maryland DNR Photo Contest.

Maryland’s Atlantic Population Canada goose hunting season opens Friday, Dec. 20. The season contains two segments, Dec. 20 through Jan. 4, 2025, and again from Jan. 15 through Feb. 1, 2025. 

The daily bag limit is two geese per day in Maryland’s AP Canada Goose Hunting Zone. The possession limit for all migratory game birds is three times the daily bag limit.  More information on waterfowl seasons, regulations and license requirements, is available on the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) website Read more…

Maryland Fishing Report – December 11

Man in a stream holding a fish and a net

Chris Madden found a bit of fishing nirvana and this beautiful rainbow trout on a western Maryland catch-and-release stream recently. Photo by Chris Madden

Although Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic waters are becoming cold, there is still plenty of excellent fishing to be found across Maryland and the ocean waters.

Recreational striped bass fishing in the Chesapeake Bay closed on Dec. 10. The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s (ASFMC) Striped Bass Management Board will meet in-person and via webinar on Monday, December 16 to consider changing 2025 management measures to increase the probability of rebuilding the stock by the 2029 deadline. The draft agenda, webinar information, and the Technical Committee Report with management options for consideration are now posted on the ASFMC website.

Scientists from a variety of government and non-government organizations will meet for a workshop in February to discuss key factors impacting striped bass populations and management needs. This workshop, hosted by Chesapeake Bay Program’s Scientific and Technical Committee, was prompted by concerns from the public, so we have created a short survey for commercial and recreational anglers to help us better understand the public priorities for the agenda. The survey can be taken in  English​ or Spanish. Results will be collected through December 18.

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Department of Natural Resources Offering Free Environmental Seminars for Marina Operators in January

Photo of people in a conference room

Donna Morrow, Clean Marina Coordinator for the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, leads a seminar at a marina. Maryland Department of Natural Resources photo.

Marina, boatyard, and yacht club operators are invited to attend a free seminar in January 2025 to learn about best practices to protect our waters and how to earn a Maryland Clean Marina designation. 

Seminars will also present information on departmental grants and assistance for marinas, a review of the General Permit for Discharges from Marinas, and new fuel regulations.  Read more…

Maryland Fifth Graders Invited to Enter 2025 Arbor Day Poster Contest

Entries are accepted until March 3, 2025

Photo of two people viewing dozens of posters on a wall

Entries in the Fifth Grade Arbor Day Poster Contest are judged by multiple staff and guests of the Maryland Department of Natural Resources; in 2024, that included Maryland Comptroller Brooke Lierman and Maryland DNR Secretary Josh Kurtz. Photo by Anthony Burrows, Maryland DNR.

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources and Forest Conservancy District Boards invite all Maryland fifth graders in private and public schools to participate in the annual Arbor Day Poster Contest

The theme for 2025 is “Trees Are Terrific…and Forests Are Too!”  Read more…

Second Half of Maryland’s Muzzleloader Deer Hunting Season Opens December 21

Photo of sika deer in the woods

Photo by Ryan Deangler, submitted to the 2022 Maryland DNR Photo Contest.

The second part of Maryland’s split muzzleloader deer hunting season will open Dec. 21 and run through Jan. 4. The first half of the split season was held in October. Hunters may use muzzleloading firearms to harvest sika and white-tailed deer during this time. Read more…

Maryland Fishing Report – December 4

Photo of man on a lake shore holding up a fish

Vincent Tucciarella holds up a nice chain pickerel he caught in Loch Raven Reservoir. Photo courtesy of Vincent Tucciarella

Cold weather has settled in, and if you dress warmly and keep your feet dry, there is plenty of good fishing to be found throughout Maryland. Coastal anglers are enjoying an epic bluefin tuna bite off Ocean City and tautog at the inlet. 

Inland, one fish that excites cold weather anglers is the chain pickerel.

The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s (ASFMC) Striped Bass Management Board will meet in-person and via webinar on Monday, December 16 to consider changing 2025 management measures to increase the probability of rebuilding the stock by the 2029 deadline. The draft agenda, webinar information, and the Technical Committee Report with management options for consideration are now posted on the ASFMC website

The Commission will host an Informational Webinar on Thursday, December 5 at 6 p.m. to review the management options developed by the Technical Committee and provide the public with sufficient background information to inform the development and submission of public comment by December 10. Register for the webinar online, and for more information, including public comment opportunities, see the press release on the ASFMC website

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Maryland’s 2024 Deer Firearm Season Opener Nearly Identical to Last Year

Hunters experienced seasonably cold and windy conditions for much of the weekend

Photo of deer in the woods

Photo by Ranger Elena Gilroy, Maryland Department of Natural Resources

Maryland hunters reported harvesting 10,889 deer on the opening weekend of the 2024 firearm season from Nov. 30 – Dec. 1, according to data collected by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. The overall deer harvest was nearly identical to last year’s official opening weekend harvest of 10,905 deer. 

The harvest total included 4,947 antlered and 5,605 antlerless white-tailed deer, and 181 antlered and 156 antlerless sika deer. The two-week deer firearm season runs through Dec. 14. Read more…

Board of Public Works Approves $3.6 Million for Park Improvements and Land Conservation in Baltimore City and Carroll, Garrett, and Howard Counties

Funding approved for DNR’s Program Open Space Local, Local Parks and Playgrounds Infrastructure, and Rural Legacy programs

Photo of farm at the base of a mountain

Nearly $1.5 million in Rural Legacy funding was approved for Garrett County to acquire conservation easements on four properties with a combined total of 570 acres in the Bear Creek Rural Legacy Area. Maryland Department of Natural Resources photo.

The Board of Public Works today approved Maryland Department of Natural Resources items totaling $3.6 million in grants to local governments to improve parks and protect land with perpetual conservation easements.

More than $2 million in Program Open Space – Local was approved for five projects including funds for the acquisition of 44 acres adjacent to Cape Horn Park in Carroll County. Future park plans may include athletic fields, walking trails, and a community center. 

Another approved project funds the construction of six pickleball courts in Rockburn Branch Park in Howard County. Program Open Space – Local provides funding for county and municipal governments for the planning, acquisition, and development of recreational land or facilities.

Also approved was $100,000 from the Local Parks and Playgrounds Infrastructure Program for one Baltimore City project at the Hamilton Elementary and Middle School for school yard enhancements that include improving a running track, walking trail, and play amenities.  Read more…

Harford County Youth Named 16th FishMaryland Master Angler

Luca Tucciarella is the third youth angler to reach the milestone award

Photo of young man in a river holding a fish

Angler Luca Tucciarella caught a 38.25-inch northern pike in Loch Raven Reservoir on Nov 17, 2024, on his way to earning a Master Angler Milestone Award under the Maryland Department of Natural Resources’ FishMaryland program. Photo by Vincent Tucciarella, used with permission by Maryland DNR.

Luca Tucciarella, of Forest Hill, has earned a Master Angler Milestone Award under the Maryland Department of Natural Resources’ FishMaryland program. 

Fifteen-year-old Tucciarella is the 16th Master Angler and the third youth angler to reach the milestone award since the program began in 2019. The award recognizes recreational anglers who catch ten trophy-sized fish of different species in Maryland.  Read more…

Maryland Fishing Report – November 27

Photo of man holding a fish

Chesapeake Channa, photo by Vincent Volinski.

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources wishes everyone peace and renewed family bonds this holiday, as we reflect on all the things we are grateful for and hopefully enjoy a long weekend. Despite the weather getting a little chilly out there, once the sun shines there is a wonderful array of fishing to be had this week. 

The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s (ASFMC) Striped Bass Management Board will meet in-person and via webinar on Monday, December 16 to consider changing 2025 management measures to increase the probability of rebuilding the stock by the 2029 deadline. The draft agenda, webinar information, and the Technical Committee Report with management options for consideration will be posted on the ASFMC website by December 3. The Commission will host an Informational Webinar on Thursday, December 5 at 6 p.m. to review the management options developed by the Technical Committee and provide the public with sufficient background information to inform the development and submission of public comment by December 10. Register for the webinar online, and for more information, including public comment opportunities, see the Commission’s press release

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Archaeologists Work with Indigenous Peoples, Department of Natural Resources to Uncover History at Chapel Point State Park

Francis Gray, the tribal chairman of today’s Piscataway Conoy Tribe, stands near the dig site at Chapel Point State Park on the banks of the Port Tobacco River. Credit: A.J. Metcalf/ Maryland DNR

Francis Gray, the tribal chairman of today’s Piscataway Conoy Tribe, stands near the dig site at Chapel Point State Park on the banks of the Port Tobacco River. Credit: A.J. Metcalf/ Maryland DNR

Before John Smith arrived and even before the glaciers melted to create the Chesapeake Bay, Indigenous Peoples had called the land that is now Maryland home. 

Indigenous sites in Maryland have been dated as early as 12,000 years ago by archaeologists. Many Indigenous People lived along the then Susquehanna River, using the resources provided by the land.

As the Susquehanna’s channel widened and the Chesapeake Bay began to form about 10,000 years ago, a majority of these settlements were inundated by water. The people who lived there moved, often following food resources such as oysters and fish.

“The Chesapeake Bay has long been a vital resource for people including Native Americans, especially as the Bay began to form,” said Julia A. King, professor of Anthropology at St. Mary’s College of Maryland. “It provides all sorts of seafood. The rising waters created marshlands that sort of acted as a refrigerator by providing animals and plant species that people could use. A lot of native settlements were located near riverine environments and marsh.”

Thanks to state and federal grants, a growing relationship with today’s Piscataway descendants, and a strong partnership with Maryland’s Department of Natural Resources, King has been working with her students and colleague Travis Hanson, an archaeologist, to uncover the history of Indigenous Peoples in Southern Maryland.

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Maryland’s ‘Gift of Trees’ Available for 2024 Holiday Season

Photo of people planting a tree in a park

When a Gift of Trees purchase is made, Maryland Forest Service staff and community volunteers plant them in a public space during the next planting season. Maryland Department of Natural Resources photo.

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources is offering holiday shoppers a different type of gift this year–one that can be in honor of a loved one, to benefit future generations, and improve the environment.

The Gift of Trees is a program where Marylanders purchase native trees — either a single tree or a grove of 10 trees—for planting in honor of a celebration, commemoration, or observation. Read more…

New Technology Helps Beat Back Harmful Algal Blooms

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources is identifying and controlling toxic algae several ways, from sophisticated imaging to sonic waves

A buoy with a solar panel floats on a lake.

Powered by solar panels, the sonicator buoy sits in Hunting Creek Lake in Frederick County. Photo by Joe Zimmermann/DNR

 Robots in the water at Hunting Creek Lake are making it safe to swim.

That’s how Ranger Mark Spurrier said he explains the latest technology at the popular Cunningham State Park swimming hole to even the youngest visitors.

On Labor Day weekend in 2023, one of the year’s most popular times for swimming, the park had to close off all swimming access due to a bloom of cyanobacteria—blue-green algae that, in high concentrations, can be harmful to people and animals.

“That’s what prompted us to push to get these buoys,” Spurrier said of the park’s new tool to prevent harmful algal blooms. “We want to control it the best we can.”

In June, the park installed two buoys in Hunting Creek Lake, each with ultrasonic transmitters, called sonicators, that use the power of sound to disrupt cyanobacteria blooms before they form. Read more…

Natural Resources Police Toy Drive Underway for 2024 Holiday Season

Donations for NRP's annual toy drive will be accepted at seven Maryland Walmart retail stores and online through Amazon.

Donations for NRP’s annual toy drive will be accepted at seven Maryland Walmart retail locations and online through an Amazon gift registry.

The Maryland Natural Resources Police (NRP) is conducting its annual “Boatload of Toys” holiday gift drive at several locations across the state in advance of the 2024 holiday season. NRP officers are collecting donations of new, unopened toys for local children in need. The program is part of the national United States Marine Toys for Tots initiative.

Members of NRP’s volunteer Reserve Officer program and staff will collect the toys at drop-off locations listed below. NRP’s online gift registry is back for 2024, allowing Marylanders the opportunity to donate a toy online via its Amazon Toys for Tots Registry. Donations can be easily added to an Amazon cart, choosing the “NRP Safety Education Unit” gift registry address that is listed. Read more…

Maryland Natural Resources Police Partners with U.S. Department of Justice to Perform Organizational Assessment

Natural Resources Police Patrol Vehicle

The Maryland Natural Resources Police will receive recommendations from the Department of Justice based on organizational structure, community policing, and other focus areas.

The Maryland Natural Resources Police (NRP) has partnered with the Department of Justice’s Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Office to conduct an organizational assessment to evaluate the agency as it seeks review and recommendations in several focus areas. 

Conducted via voluntary request, the COPS Office assesses police departments around the country through its Collaborative Reform Initiative. During the next year, the agency’s assessment will focus on community policing, workforce development, strategic planning, employee wellness, technology, data, and organizational learning. Read more…

Maryland Lifts Statewide Ban on Outdoor Burning

Photo of a campfire at night

Photo by Taylor Hadley, submitted to Maryland Department of Natural Resources Photo Contest.

Following a review of weather and ground conditions, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources has rescinded a statewide ban on open-air burning that was implemented to prevent the spread of wildfires across the state. 

Extremely dry conditions that had persisted throughout the year led to an above average number of wildfires statewide in October, leading to the ban. Following recent precipitation and a forecast of continued normal weather patterns for this time of year, the Maryland Forest Service determined the statewide restriction was no longer necessary, effective immediately.  Read more…

Maryland Fishing Report – November 20

Photo of young man in a river with a large fish

Luca Tucciarella will certainly have fond memories of the day he caught this large northern pike at Loch Raven Reservoir. Photo by Vincent Tucciarella

There are plenty of good fishing opportunities this week across Maryland and our offshore waters. Anglers are urged to get out and enjoy the action, which may provide wonderful memories to reflect on this winter.  

Nick Perez of Perryville recently earned a Master Angler Milestone Award under the Department’s FishMaryland program. He is the 15th Master Angler and his daughter Lucy Moore was the 10th Master Angler and the first youth and female angler to reach that milestone. 

The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s (ASFMC) Striped Bass Management Board will meet in-person and via webinar on Monday, December 16 to consider changing 2025 management measures to increase the probability of rebuilding the stock by the 2029 deadline. The draft agenda, webinar information, and the Technical Committee Report with management options for consideration will be posted on the ASFMC website by December 3. The Commission will host an Informational Webinar on Thursday, December 5 at 6 p.m. to review the management options developed by the Technical Committee and provide the public with sufficient background information to inform the development and submission of public comment by December 10. Register for the webinar online, and for more information, including public comment opportunities, see the Commission’s press release

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Public Invited to Savage River Lodge in Garrett County for Open House and to Provide Input on New State Property

Photo of rustic-looking building

Photo by Judd Vickers, Maryland Department of Natural Resources

The Maryland Park Service will host an open house at Savage River Lodge, 1600 Mt. Aetna Road, Frostburg,on Monday, December 16, from 5 -7 p.m., and is accepting public comment on the newly acquired state property. 

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) acquired this 42-acre property, featuring 18 cabins, 8 yurts, and a multi-purpose lodge, to incorporate it into the Park Service’s portfolio of Western Maryland public lands and outdoor recreation sites. Read more…

Chesapeake Bay Hypoxia Report – 2024 Year End Summary

Monitoring results show near to below average hypoxia through most of summer 2024

Graph of dissolved oxygen, or hypoxia, conditions in Chesapeake Bay this year and compared to past averagesData collected by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources and Old Dominion University show the volume of hypoxia—waters with less than 2 mg/l oxygen—was generally near or below average in the Chesapeake Bay mainstem of Maryland and Virginia in 2024.

For the year, hypoxia volumes were larger than average in May and early June, but declined to smaller than average volumes through the end of August. In September, hypoxia was slightly above average for the period and there was no hypoxia during October sampling. Deep water hypoxia in the Bay normally dissipates after September, with no observed hypoxia in 30 out of the past 40 Octobers. Read more…

Cecil County Angler Named 15th FishMaryland Master Angler

Nick Perez joins his 12-year-old daughter Lucy on the list of Master Anglers

Photo of man and girl holding a fish

Nick Perez holds a carp he caught in 2020 while fishing with his daughter, Lucy. Photo courtesy of Nick Perez.

Nick Perez of Perryville has earned a Master Angler Milestone Award under the Maryland Department of Natural Resources’ FishMaryland program. 

Perez is the 15th Master Angler since the program began in 2019. The award recognizes recreational anglers who catch ten trophy-sized fish of different species in Maryland. Perez’s daughter, Lucy Moore, was the 10th Master Angler and was both the first youth and first female award recipient.   Read more…

Maryland’s Two-Week Deer Firearms Season Opens Nov. 30

Popular deer hunting season inspires camaraderie with friends and family 

Photo of two young bucks sparring with their antlers

Photo by Penny Ingles, submitted to the Maryland Department of Natural Resources Photo Contest.

Maryland’s two-week firearms hunting season for sika and white-tailed deer opens Saturday, Nov. 30 and runs through Saturday, Dec. 14. 

The two-week season includes Sunday hunting in all but three counties, affording hunters more weekend opportunities to hunt and contribute to managing Maryland’s deer population. Read more…

Druid Heights Project Brings Green Space and Flood Protection to Baltimore Neighborhood

With DNR support, Etting Street Green Space creates resiliency in underserved area

A ribbon cutting in a green area, with a row of houses in the background.

Government and nonprofit officials and community members cut the ribbon on the Etting Street Green Space. Photo by Joe Zimmermann/DNR

Over the years, a block in the Druid Heights neighborhood in West Baltimore had become a dumping ground for old mattresses, broken appliances, and rubble.

But now, the site is transformed. Where heaps of trash had once covered enough surface that they increased flood risk to the area, there’s now a green space, with native trees, flood mitigation, and a place for the community to come together.

On Wednesday, state and local officials and community leaders cut the ribbon on the Etting Street Green Space project.

“For many years this was a dumping site in the community where illegal dumping and environmental crimes took place on a daily basis,” Tavon Benson, director of outreach for the Druid Heights Community Development Corporation, said at the event. “The community was able to transform this lot into a beautiful space offering stormwater management, future artwork and a safe place for residents to gather.”

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Maryland Fishing Report – November 13

Photo of young man with a fish

Flounder, photo by Monty Hawkins

There are plenty of excellent fishing opportunities this week across Maryland and our offshore waters, don’t miss out on the exciting action. Bundle up and enjoy good fishing before the cold of winter descends upon us, and most importantly take the younger anglers with you. Memories and smiles will last a lifetime.

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Survey Teams Fish for Signs of Successful Shad Restoration in Maryland’s Rivers

Photo of people in a river using a net to catch fish

Maryland Department of Natural Resources photo

On a drizzly day in late September, a crew of Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) biologists cast off from a dock in Denton to survey the Choptank River for juvenile American shad (Alosa sapidissima)

The native fish was once a staple of commercial and recreational fishing in the Chesapeake Bay. Their population plummeted in the first half of the 20th century due to overfishing, habitat degradation, and dam construction. Today, DNR stocks and monitors American and hickory shad as part of a decades-long effort to revive self-sustaining populations of these two species.  Read more…

Maryland Department of Natural Resources Enacts Statewide Burn Ban

Dry, windy conditions have increased fire risk across the state and fueled ongoing wildfires

Photo of bulldozer working in a forest with smoldering leaves

Maryland Forest Service crews work to suppress smoldering leaves from a wildfire in Washington County. Photo by Aaron Cook, Maryland Department of Natural Resources.

UPDATE: Maryland Lifts Statewide Ban on Outdoor Burning, Effective Nov. 21.

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In Their Words: NRP’s Veteran Personnel Reflect on Military Service

NRP celebrates its prior and current service members and all others that faithfully served in the Armed Forces this Veterans Day.

The Maryland Natural Resources Police (NRP) is proud to have numerous veterans among its officers and professional staff that courageously served in the United States Armed Forces. Their sacrifice and dedication to their country and fellow citizens can not be understated. On this Veterans Day, NRP recognizes the contributions service members have made to keep others safe.

NRP’s veterans hold various positions and assignments throughout the agency. From patrol officers to command staff to non-sworn personnel, veterans help shape the department’s character and values. Below are their words on how their service shaped them. Read more…

Natural Resources Police Issue Citations in 2024 Black Bear Hunt

Nine hunters face fines up to $1,500 for illegally baiting during black bear hunt.

Maryland black bear photo taken by Ranger Sarah Milbourne

Photo by Ranger Sarah Milbourne, Maryland Department of Natural Resources.

Maryland Natural Resources Police (NRP) took action to stop illegal hunting during the state’s annual black bear hunt, held Oct. 21-26 in Allegany, Frederick, Garrett, and Washington counties. Officers cited several hunters who, although legally permitted to participate in the hunt, were unlawfully using bait to attract and lure bears.

While baiting is legal for white-tailed deer in Maryland on private property, baiting bears is prohibited and is a tightly-controlled aspect of the annual week-long black bear hunt. Due to the nature of the hunt, targeting bears must take place 150 yards or more from a baited location, and if hunting a location previously baited for deer, 10 days must pass after all bait has been removed. Hunters that violate the baiting law for black bears can face up to $1,500 for a first offense and up to $4,000 for a second offense. Read more…

Fall Foliage Report for November 7, 2024

All counties in Maryland are past peak.

Winding path through golden colored trees.

Fair Hill Natural Resources Management Area in Cecil County. Photo by Ranger Lesley Leader.

All of Maryland is now past peak foliage for the year. 

A drought that has affected Maryland throughout the year continues. As of Nov. 5, more than 53% of the state is experiencing severe drought, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor. More than 83% of Maryland is experiencing moderate drought. 

These dry conditions have made for a dangerous wildfire season. Firefighters across the state are busy fighting and monitoring brush fires. Since Oct. 1, the Maryland Forest Service has responded to more than 30 wildland fires statewide. Read more…

Secretary’s Message: There is a Place for Everyone in Maryland’s Outdoors

Logo of Outdoor Recreation SummitIn October, more than 150 people attended the inaugural Maryland Outdoor Recreation Summit. The event, held at Rocky Gap State Park, represents a milestone for the Department of Natural Resources.

We welcomed academics, park rangers, business owners, students, nonprofit leaders, and others who are engaged in outdoor recreation activities to the summit to build networks, share environmental stewardship ideas, and expand economic opportunities. As part of the event, attendees joined excursions and activities such as kayaking on Lake Habeeb, landscape painting at Rocky Gap, and mountain biking the Great Allegheny Passage. Other outdoor activities included campfires, birding expeditions, rock climbing, and disc golf. Read more…

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