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Posts Tagged ‘manatees’


Marylanders Asked to Stay Alert For Cold-Stunned Aquatic Wildlife

Lethargic sea turtles and marine mammals should be reported to 800-628-9944 The Maryland Department of Natural Resources asks those visiting the Chesapeake Bay or Atlantic coast to be vigilant of sea turtles who exhibit signs of cold-stunning, a condition that causes animals to become debilitated and experience hypothermia-like symptoms due to prolonged exposure to cold  Read the Rest…

Cold-Stunning Threatens Aquatic Wildlife – Marylanders Asked to Help

Lethargic sea turtles and marine mammals should be reported to 800-628-9944 The Maryland Department of Natural Resources asks those visiting the Chesapeake Bay or Atlantic Coast to be vigilant of sea turtles who exhibit signs of cold-stunning, a condition that causes animals to become debilitated and experience hypothermia-like symptoms due to prolonged exposure to cold  Read the Rest…

Water Temperatures Pose Danger to Sea Turtles, Marine Mammals

Marylanders Asked to Report ‘Cold-Stunning’ of Sea Creatures As soon as water temperatures dip in the fall, sea turtles and some marine mammals that frequent the Chesapeake Bay are susceptible to cold-stunning or hypothermia.   The immediate impacts can cause some species to become slow and unresponsive, making them dangerous to themselves and boaters. 

Sea Turtles, Marine Mammals At Risk From Low Temperatures

Anglers, Boaters, and Beachcombers Should Report ‘Cold-Stunning’ When water temperatures decline, sea turtles and some marine animals can be caught off guard. Since sea turtles are cold-blooded animals, a dramatic decline in water temperatures can cause hypothermia or cold-stunning. The immediate impacts can cause some species to become slow and unresponsive, making them dangerous to  Read the Rest…

Coastal Residents and Visitors Urged to Report Stranded Marine Life

Marine Mammals, Sea Turtles Protected by Law Maryland’s tidal waters are visited by a variety of aquatic wildlife. Unfortunately, some of these animals find themselves stranded along the state’s shoreline, particularly between May and October. Since 1990, Maryland’s Stranding Response Program has documented strandings of 25 species of marine mammals and four species of sea turtles.  Read the Rest…

