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Posts Tagged ‘Eyes On The Bay’

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New Partnership to Monitor Mallows Bay Water Quality

Long-Term Monitoring Site to Benefit Public, Resource Managers and Scientists The National Marine Sanctuary Foundation and Maryland Department of Natural Resources have announced a five-year partnership to monitor water quality at Mallows Bay on the Potomac River, a site being considered for designation as a national marine sanctuary. The partnership plans for a long-term, continuous  Read the Rest…

Researchers Win National Challenge to Study Storm Event Impact on Chesapeake Bay

Joint Department, University Team Develops Nutrient Monitoring Plan The University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES) and Maryland Department of Natural Resources have been named one of five winners of a $10,000 Stage 1 Prize in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s national Nutrient Sensor Action Challenge. UMCES and Maryland Department of Natural Resources worked  Read the Rest…

Weekly Fishing Report: December 20

This fishing report will close out 2017, but there are plenty of fishing opportunities for all regions of Maryland through the winter. The preseason stocking of trout has begun and will pick up pace in January and February. Yellow perch are moving into the upper reaches of the tidal rivers while crappie, chain pickerel, catfish  Read the Rest…

Weekly Fishing Report: December 13

Winter’s grasp on the Maryland landscape is steadily getting tighter and windows of mild weather are becoming less frequent. This week high winds could make for a tough time on open water. If you do go out, be careful and wear your life jacket. Trolling along deep channel edges in the upper Chesapeake Bay region  Read the Rest…

Weekly Fishing Report: November 29

Water temperatures in Maryland continue to drop as the weather turns colder. In many areas, fish are seeking out warmer temperatures found in deeper waters. The tidal rivers of the Chesapeake Bay are seeing surface water temperatures in the mid-40s while the bay itself is around 50 degrees. The upper bay region has been providing  Read the Rest…

Weekly Fishing Report: November 8

The fall colors are in full swing throughout much of Maryland this week, offering some added delight to fishing experiences; the leaves won’t last much longer so don’t miss out. Meanwhile, many of the best fishing opportunities are occurring this month, as fish feel the need to feed and prepare for the winter.

Summer 2017 Hypoxia Report

Maryland’s Water Quality Monitoring Data Indicates Second Best Year on Record Dissolved oxygen conditions in Maryland’s Chesapeake Bay mainstem were much better than average this summer, according to Maryland Department of Natural Resources. The results show that 2017 had the second-smallest Chesapeake Bay hypoxic volume (dissolved oxygen concentrations below two milligrams per liter) since 1985, for the regions and times  Read the Rest…

Weekly Fishing Report: October 4

The recent cold evenings this week are beginning to have an effect on water temperatures in the Chesapeake Bay and tidal rivers. Bay surface water temperatures are down to about 70 degrees Fahrenheit and the tidal rivers are in the mid to upper 60s. As a result, the upper bay region striped bass fisheries are  Read the Rest…

Weekly Fishing Report: September 20

Many would agree we are entering one of the most beautiful times of the year in Maryland. Mornings are cool and daytime temperatures are inviting for outdoor activities. Where I live crops are being harvested, wildlife is on the move, bait in the tidal rivers is beginning to feel the urge to move out into  Read the Rest…

Weekly Fishing Report: September 13

After being away for two weeks, I’m struck by the changes that are occurring as we drift out of the grasp of summer. We all need to thank Erik Zlokovitz for doing such a great job covering the fishing report and keeping you informed of our fishing opportunities in Maryland while I was away.

Late August 2017 Hypoxia Report

Dissolved oxygen conditions in a portion of Maryland’s Chesapeake Bay mainstem were better than average for late August, reports the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. The hypoxic water volume (areas with less than 2 mg/l oxygen) in the study area was 0.33 cubic miles, which is much smaller than the late August 1985-2016 average of 0.80 cubic miles for that reduced  Read the Rest…

Weekly Fishing Report: July 26

As most of us know it was pretty darned hot last week and those hot temperatures are driving up water temperatures and having a profound effect on fish and fishing. Unfortunately those hot temperatures can also result in violent storm activity when a cool front comes through as it did Sunday. I happened to be  Read the Rest…

Weekly Fishing Report: July 19

Our friends at Eyes On The Bay have always had valuable information about bay conditions that help fishermen, ranging from information on water quality to satellite imagery. They now have added a wonderful new site called Click Before You Cast which uses a simple to follow, step-by-step process to help anglers identify the best places to fish based on the  Read the Rest…

