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Weekly Fishing Report: November 8
The fall colors are in full swing throughout much of Maryland this week, offering some added delight to fishing experiences; the leaves won’t last much longer so don’t miss out.
Meanwhile, many of the best fishing opportunities are occurring this month, as fish feel the need to feed and prepare for the winter.
Maryland Motorists Urged to Stay Alert for Wildlife
Deer Breeding Season Means Added Danger
Cooling temperatures, colorful foliage and unpredictable wildlife are all signs that the fall season is upon us.
The Maryland Department of Natural Resources urges motorists to stay alert for deer and other wildlife this time of year as these animals seek food supplies and mates. During this time of year, vehicles accidents are a particular safety hazard.
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Weekly Fishing Report: September 27
The heat and humidity hanging over Maryland continues to hold a grip on us, but it won’t be long before fall is here to stay.
The striped bass fishing in the upper bay remains rather stable this week due to warm weather keeping water temperatures in the mid-70s. However, at some point in early October we usually get a combination of cold fronts with strong northerly winds, cooling air temperatures, and rainfall which will cause a drop in water temperature and salinity in the upper bay.
At present, spot are still available on many shallow hard-bottom areas but are showing a propensity for being on the move. The mouth of the Magothy River, Chester River, Sandy Point and shallower ends of the Bay Bridge have been locations to look for spot. The channel edges at Swan, Love and Podickory points continue to be good places to live line spot but shoals, knolls and other channel edges in the region can also be worthwhile places to find suspended striped bass.
Weekly Fishing Report: September 20
Many would agree we are entering one of the most beautiful times of the year in Maryland. Mornings are cool and daytime temperatures are inviting for outdoor activities. Where I live crops are being harvested, wildlife is on the move, bait in the tidal rivers is beginning to feel the urge to move out into the bay, and fish such as striped bass are enjoying the cooler water temperatures and ready to intercept the schools of bait. Some vegetation is starting to show color and the daylight hours are decreasing by about two and a half minutes a day.
Marylanders are on the move also, family schedules have adjusted to school and the weekends present a precious time to be with family and friends in the great Maryland outdoors. This is a great time of the year to visit your favorite fishing hole whether it is a creek or pond in western Maryland or just fishing off a dock in the Chesapeake Bay.
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Elevated Risk of Wildfires in Maryland
Firefighters Spent Weekend Battling Blazes
With this fall’s high winds and dry foliage, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources advises citizens to use caution in outdoor fire activities and postpone unnecessary open-air burnings. Wildfires occur in every month in Maryland but generally peak in the spring and fall. Read more…
Maryland Motorists: Stay Alert for Deer!
Cooling temperatures, colorful foliage and unpredictable wildlife ─ all signs that the fall season is upon us. As such, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources urges motorists to stay alert for deer and other wildlife this time of year as these animals seek out food supplies and mates. Read more…
Dry and Windy Conditions Elevate Wildfire Risk
Firefighters Battle Mountain Fire in Gambrill State Park
With spring’s high winds and dry foliage, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources urges citizens to use caution in outdoor fire activities and postpone open-air burnings. Just last night, nearly 60 firefighters spent two hours battling a five-acre blaze in Gambrill State Park in Frederick County. Read more…