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Posts Tagged ‘wildlife’


Maryland DNR 2021 Photo Contest Now Open

Entries for Annual Contest Taken Until August 5 The Maryland Department of Natural Resources is now accepting entries for its annual photo contest. Photographers, novice or professional, can enter for the chance to win cash, park passes, and other great prizes.

Leave Maryland’s Spring Wildlife Wild

Handling Fawns is Usually Unnecessary, Often Dangerous, and Always Illegal Fawns are a sight to behold. Born helpless in late spring, they rely on their camouflage and virtual lack of odor to help them hide from danger. Fawns instinctively lie motionless when approached by potential predators. This behavioral adaptation has helped white-tailed deer survive for  Read the Rest…

Black Bears Emerging from Winter Dens

Marylanders Urged to Keep Bears Wild  After a long winter slumber, black bears are now emerging from their dens, and human residents of Maryland’s bear country should take steps to keep both species separate and safe. Adult and newborn bears will emerge hungry and seeking natural food sources, but many of their preferred foods —  Read the Rest…

