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Strategic Energy Investment Advisory Board Listening Session for Central MD

The November 21, 2019 Strategic Energy Investment Advisory Board Listening Session will be held from 1:15 PM – 3:00 PM EST at the Smart Energy Hall at BGE headquarters, 110 West Fayette St., Baltimore, MD 21201. BGE is not a party to this event, but has graciously allowed the use of their facility for the purpose of this public listening session to grant greater access via public transportation.

Please note this is the Central Maryland Strategic Energy Investment Advisory Board Listening Session, this is not a hearing. This listening session is an opportunity for local residents to come and learn about the energy projects being funded by the Strategic Energy Investment Fund (SEIF).  The Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) is the administrator of SEIF funds and puts out an annual report which demonstrates achievements being made towards promoting affordable, reliable, and cleaner energy for the benefit of all Marylanders. Click here to see how the 2018 SEIF helped Marylanders or here to download the full 166 page report.  The 2019 SEIF report will be put out at the end of December.

SEIF 11 21 19 Listening Session Agenda


Senate Bill 52 (2019) requires that the Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) “shall hold at least four public meetings across the State… in the eastern, southern, central, and western parts of the State, respectively; and.. is encouraged to solicit input from all regions of the State…”

The listening session will be broadcast live on MEA’s Facebook page. Instructions for submission of written comments are available below. Any additional meeting materials will be found here as they become available.

Strategic Energy Investment Advisory Board Written Comment Submission Form

Please read carefully. Senate Bill 52 (2019) requires that the Maryland Energy Administration “shall hold at least four public meetings across the State… in the eastern, southern, central, and western parts of the State, respectively; and.. is encouraged to solicit input from all regions of the State…”

In an effort to “solicit input from all regions of the State”, the Maryland Energy Administration has created this from and a dedicated email address to receive those comments. Because the spirit of Senate Bill 52 recognizes the importance of geographic diversity in decision-making , this form must be completed in its entirety.

To submit a comment, please send an email to in the format below via attached PDF with any written comments, each attached separately and in *.pdf

Strategic Energy Investment Advisory Board Written Comment Submission Form

For instructions on how to submit written comments, read information here.

To keep up-to-date on MEA events, visit our online calendar.