Governor Hogan Announces $2 Million Dollars for Energy Efficiency Incentives for Maryland Manufacturers
Today, Governor Hogan announced a new $2 million dollar grant to encourage commercial energy efficiency and economic growth within our commercial manufacturing sector. The grant provides funding to the Regional Manufacturing Institute (“RMI”) for the purposes of identifying and assisting manufacturers in the Pepco and Delmarva service territories in need of energy efficiency upgrades to reduce their energy expenditures. RMI will help these entities identify opportunities in their facilities and operations to reduce energy consumption and improve efficiency, obtain incentives through utility rebate programs, MEA programs, and other leveraged funding sources, find contractors for their energy efficiency projects, and implement plans of action to achieve their energy goals. The bulk of the projects under this program will fit within the Next Generation Energy Efficiency Gains (“NGEEG”) Program and the Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Program.
To see a video of today’s announcement, click here.
With this new three-year program, RMI expects to target 50 Maryland based companies to invest in next generation energy efficiency gains. The anticipated energy saved from this program is 10 million kilowatt hours or $1.2 million in cost savings for companies based in the State. The anticipated energy upgrades processed for Maryland companies will yield a reduction of 7 million kilowatt hours or $840,000 dollars in cost savings.