Press releases Category
- EPA, MDE, Prince George’s County Announce Public, Private Partnership Model to Accelerate Green Stormwater Controls and Support Local Job Creation January 10, 2014
- MDE hosts the 3rd annual Clean Water Innovations Trade Show recognizing innovative stormwater projects January 7, 2014
- Maryland Department of the Environment Makes Final Determination to Issue Stormwater Permits to Baltimore and Prince George’s Counties and Baltimore City December 31, 2013
- **MEDIA ADVISORY** MDE’s Stormwater Innovations Tour highlights the Bay-Wise Yardstick program in Frederick December 17, 2013
- Governor O’malley Releases Statement Upon His Election As Chair Of Chesapeake Executive Council December 12, 2013
- Maryland among Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states seeking to curb air pollution from upwind states December 9, 2013
- Department of Environment issues enforcement actions December 5, 2013