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Maryland Department of the Environment

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Board of Public Works approves funding for clean water and the Chesapeake Bay

Board of Public Works approves funding for clean water and the Chesapeake Bay Grants will reduce pollution, improve water quality BALTIMORE (November 18, 2020) – The Maryland Board of Public Works approved more than $6.5 million in grants today to reduce water pollution and help restore the Chesapeake Bay. The board is composed of Governor  Read the Rest…

Maryland Commission on Climate Change Issues Annual Report

Maryland Commission on Climate Change Issues Annual ReportIndependent commission outlines various proposals and recommendations BALTIMORE (November 16, 2020) – The Maryland Commission on Climate Change (Commission) today issues its 2020 Annual Report to Governor Hogan and the General Assembly. The Commission adopted the report at its quarterly meeting on November 9, 2020. “Maryland continues to  Read the Rest…

Maryland finalizes regulations to phase out hydrofluorocarbons and reduce methane emissions

Maryland finalizes regulations to phase out hydrofluorocarbons and reduce methane emissions Maryland Department of the Environment takes action to reduce potent greenhouse gases BALTIMORE (November 13, 2020) – The Maryland Department of the Environment has finalized regulations to phase out the use of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and reduce methane emissions to help meet the state’s aggressive  Read the Rest…

WJZ: Maryland Launches Targeted Wastewater Sampling For COVID-19

Gov. Larry Hogan announced a statewide initiative Thursday to sample wastewater as an early warning system of a COVID-19 outbreak in vulnerable communities. As part of Maryland’s COVID-19 Sewer Sentinel Initiative, the governor has approved funding of $1 million to sample wastewater for the virus that causes COVID-19 in congregate living settings. Go to story

Maryland launches targeted wastewater sampling for coronavirus

MARYLAND LAUNCHES TARGETED WASTEWATER SAMPLING FOR CORONAVIRUS COVID-19 Sewer Sentinel Initiative builds on success of science-based, field-tested pilot program, moves to provide data to detect and respond to outbreaks in vulnerable communities   BALTIMORE (Nov. 12, 2020)– Governor Larry Hogan today announced a statewide initiative to sample wastewater as an early warning system of a  Read the Rest…

Board of Public Works approves funding for clean water and the Chesapeake Bay

Board of Public Works approves funding for clean water and the Chesapeake Bay Grants and loans will reduce pollution, energy consumption BALTIMORE (November 4, 2020) – The Maryland Board of Public Works approved more than $86 million in grants and loans today to reduce water pollution and save energy. The board is composed of Governor  Read the Rest…

Childhood lead poisoning in Maryland drops as state moves to respond to greater range of cases under more protective standard

  Childhood lead poisoning in Maryland drops as state moves to respond to greater range of cases under more protective standard Governor Larry Hogan proclaims Lead Poisoning Prevention Week in Maryland BALTIMORE (October 26, 2020) – Childhood lead poisoning cases in Maryland decreased last year to the lowest levels since data has been collected in  Read the Rest…

Board of Public Works approves funding for clean water and the Chesapeake Bay

Board of Public Works approves funding for clean water and the Chesapeake Bay Grants and loans will reduce pollution, improve drinking water system BALTIMORE (October 7, 2020) – The Maryland Board of Public Works approved more than $5.6 million in grants and loans today to reduce water pollution and improve a drinking water system. The  Read the Rest…

MDE releases report on sampling for PFAS in St. Mary’s River surface water and oysters

DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT RELEASES REPORT ON SAMPLING FOR PFAS IN ST. MARY’S RIVER SURFACE WATER AND OYSTERS No levels of concern found within study area; pilot study conclusions will assist MDE’s development of a comprehensive approach to PFAS   BALTIMORE (October 5, 2020) – A new report shows that sampling of surface water and  Read the Rest…

Waterways in Dorchester, St. Mary’s counties reclassified for shellfish harvesting

WATERWAYS IN DORCHESTER, ST. MARY’S COUNTIES RECLASSIFIED FOR SHELLFISH HARVESTING Sections of Little Choptank, St. Mary’s rivers closed to harvesting effective Sept. 28 BALTIMORE (Sept. 28, 2020) – The Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) has reclassified waterways in Dorchester and St. Mary’s counties for shellfish harvesting. The portion of the Little Choptank River formed  Read the Rest…

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