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Posts Tagged ‘State Lakes Protection and Restoration Fund’


Department of Natural Resources Highlights Deep Creek Lake Partnerships; Announces $2.2 Million in Additional Funding

Secretary Jeannie Haddaway-Riccio Presents ‘State of the Lake’ Address Maryland Department of Natural Resources Secretary Jeannie Haddaway-Riccio on Tuesday delivered a “State of the Lake” to homeowners, officials, and stakeholders with interest in Deep Creek Lake. The secretary also announced $2.2 million in additional funding for dredging as part of her presentation. Speaking to the  Read the Rest…

Public Input Sought for State Lake Funding

Maryland Approved $3 Million for Protection and Restoration The Maryland Department of Natural Resources will host five open house events to solicit public input to help develop a work plan for the new State Lakes Protection and Restoration Fund, which will provide $1 million for each of the next three years to improve state-owned lakes.  Read the Rest…

