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Posts Tagged ‘New Germany State Park’


Public Invited to Savage River Lodge in Garrett County for Open House and to Provide Input on New State Property

The Maryland Park Service will host an open house at Savage River Lodge, 1600 Mt. Aetna Road, Frostburg,on Monday, December 16, from 5 -7 p.m., and is accepting public comment on the newly acquired state property.  The Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) acquired this 42-acre property, featuring 18 cabins, 8 yurts, and a multi-purpose  Read the Rest…

Secretary’s Message: December 2019

Winter is Coming – Perfect for Maryland Outdoors Fun! As we rake up the last of the fall leaves and the weather turns colder, some may think that winter’s arrival means less time spent outside, but Maryland has many cold-weather outdoor recreation opportunities. Western Maryland – or Mountain Maryland as some call it – is  Read the Rest…

Public Input Sought for State Lake Funding

Maryland Approved $3 Million for Protection and Restoration The Maryland Department of Natural Resources will host five open house events to solicit public input to help develop a work plan for the new State Lakes Protection and Restoration Fund, which will provide $1 million for each of the next three years to improve state-owned lakes.  Read the Rest…

Campers Pull Invasive Plants at New Germany

Volunteers, Staff Battle Botanical Bullies Teams of young women joined forces with the Maryland Department of Natural Resources and Maryland Conservation Corps to remove more 700 pounds of invasive plants from New Germany State Park.  These volunteers, members of the Washington, D.C. Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, devoted much of June  Read the Rest…

