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Posts Tagged ‘Maryland Department of General Services’


Accessible Fishing Pier Opens in Queen Anne’s County

Floating Pier at Unicorn Lake Meets Americans with Disabilities Act Standards The Maryland Department of Natural Resources has opened a new floating fishing pier and gangway at the Unicorn Lake Fisheries Management Area that meets the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessible Design Standards of 2010. The department worked with the Maryland Department of Disabilities and the  Read the Rest…

State Announces Blue Catfish Purchasing Initiative

Program to Provide Quality Nutrition, Reduce Impact on Chesapeake Bay The Maryland Department of General Services (DGS)—in partnership with the departments of Agriculture and Natural Resources—has awarded contracts to Jessup-based Reliant Fish Co. and Congressional Seafood Co. for a program that will create sales of Maryland-harvested blue catfish to state institutions providing food services. The  Read the Rest…

Maryland Coast Smart Council Releases Annual Report

State Agencies Report Progress on Implementing Construction Program Maryland state agencies have reported their progress in implementing the Coast Smart Construction Program, a statewide effort to address impacts from coastal flooding, storm inundation and sea level rise on state-funded building projects. These initiatives are recorded in the first Annual Report issued by the Maryland Coast Smart  Read the Rest…

