The cold hand of winter may be loosening its icy grip on the Maryland landscape with warmer temperatures forecast this week. Fast-moving streams and creeks in the western region are providing excellent trout fishing opportunities. The 2025 Maryland Guide to Fishing and Crabbing is expected to be available by the end of February. A few Read the Rest…
It is time for summer fun and taking a youngster fishing is always a joy for parents, especially when the kids are excited about catching their first fish. Bluegill sunfish and white perch are often ready to oblige. As a reminder, all areas of the Chesapeake Bay will be closed to any targeting of striped Read the Rest…
The summer season is now in full swing, and anglers are enjoying good fishing adventures with family and friends this week. As we advise anglers every year, high summer air and water temperatures increase catch-and-release mortalities in striped bass. The Striped Bass Summer Fishing Advisory Forecast on the Maryland Department of Natural Resources website is Read the Rest…
We wish you a safe and enjoyable Fourth of July holiday with family and friends. Many anglers will take advantage of a little time off to fish and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with fishing. As a reminder, July 4 is the last free fishing day being offered in Maryland for 2023. As Read the Rest…
The Maryland Department of Natural Resources produces more than 20 species of fish for stocking, education, and restoration projects at several fish hatcheries across Maryland, as well as the Piney Point Aquaculture Center in St. Mary’s County.