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Posts Tagged ‘Earth Day’


Secretary’s Message – April 2021

Celebrating Our Earth this Spring As we continue to recover from the pandemic, I am more enthused than ever to welcome back spring and get outside. April in particular is a month full of events and opportunities to highlight our state’s amazing natural resources. In fact, it is becoming known as “Earth Month” for its  Read the Rest…

Earth Day 2020: Love Letters to Earth

The first Earth Day on April 22, 1970 marked the birth of the modern environmental movement. In response to the movement, the Clean Air, Clean Water, and Endangered Species Acts were all created and Congress authorized the Environmental Protection Agency. On this 50th anniversary of Earth Day, we continue to focus our concern on sustaining  Read the Rest…

Earth Day Celebrated at Maryland State Parks

Stewardship Opportunities Abound April 22 Earth Day gives people all over the planet a chance to do some good for our environment and society, and the Maryland Department of Natural Resources invites everyone to help out Sunday, April 22. The Maryland Park Service is hosting several events in every region of the state.

