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Maryland Capitol Police Bike Patrol Back on Track

Absent for nearly 10 years, the Department of General Services (DGS) Maryland Capitol Police (MCP) bike patrol is back on track. Its revival was spearheaded by Annapolis Detachment Commander Lt. Rebecca Labs and Sgt. Dennis “Cliff” Donaldson, and it will include security officers for the first time.

Bike patrol trainees maneuver through an obstacle course.

Bike patrol trainees maneuver through an obstacle course.

“Specialized bike training is required before officers can participate in the bike patrol,” Capitol Police Chief Mike Wilson explained. “We already had training for police officers, but with the addition of security officers we needed a training program that took into account both types of officers.”

Sgt. Donaldson, who participated in the bike patrol in his previous police job, led the way in creating a first-ever training and certification program appropriate to the two types of officers. It includes two days of classroom and field instruction. The officers learn the “Rules of the Road,” proper procedures and operations and bike maintenance. They practice maneuvering through obstacles and jumping curbs. They also receive tips on healthy and balanced nutrition.

According to the Sargent, the layout of the Annapolis complex lends itself to a bike patrol, which can quickly access locations throughout the complex and support public safety during rallies, demonstrations and special events.

“These ‘bicycle patrols’ are an efficient, cost-effective and environmentally friendly way to police and secure our Annapolis properties,” Lt. Labs said. “They allow for faster response times while helping us meet the State’s ‘Go Green’ initiatives.”

Security Officer Waters, in the yellow jacket, and Police Officer Deakins head out on patrol.

Security Officer Waters, in the yellow jacket, and Police Officer Deakins head out on patrol.

For safety reasons, the newly-created unit was outfitted with different uniforms for easy identification of armed police officers and unarmed security officers. The uniforms, bikes and bike bags are clearly marked with POLICE and SECURITY logos.

“Having security officers in the bike patrol makes sense, and the teamwork has strengthened cooperation between the two officer groups,” said Chief Wilson.
