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September Honoree

PCO Damara Knox-Harris has been with DGS for over 25 years. She started in March of 1998 as a Security Officer. Through the years she continued to work and attained the position of a PCO entailing the responsibilities to monitor radio transmissions over the two channels used by MCP, and three outside agency channels and monitor over 25 plus video camera monitors covering the Annapolis and Baltimore State Office Complexes.

On July 29, 2023, PCO Knox-Harris began her shift at 0200 hours (4 hours early due to staffing shortages) at her station inside the MCP Communications Room. At about 1250 hours, while nearing the end of her extended shift, PCO Knox- Harris observed two subjects walking through the HOD building on one of the video camera monitors. On the weekends the HOD building is closed to the public except on special functions deemed necessary by the Delegates. PCO Knox-Harris quickly broadcast what she saw over the Annapolis radio channel, alerting units to respond to the HOD building. Upon arrival the subjects in question had already left the premises and were not located. Proper notifications were made to the MCP Chain of Command and DGS maintenance to address the issue which was a faulty exterior door lock. PCO Knox-Harris was able to maintain a high level of vigilance even while working the extended hours. Her quick response and diligence contributed to the incident being handled in a professional manner.
