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August Honoree

In April 2021, Salisbury Administrative Aide Tricia Greene was in the office working at her desk when she noticed a young lady in the lobby who seemed very distraught.  Tricia went to the lobby and asked her if she needed help.  She quickly realized the woman had been assaulted and was in crisis. Tricia immediately took her into the DGS office for safety and called professionals for assistance. Since that unsettling day, Tricia and this lady have kept in touch and developed a friendship out of a tragic situation.  Tricia was there for her every step of the way, providing moral support and guidance as the victim navigated her way through the legal process.  The young lady’s family lives in Turkey, so Tricia was her only close support system. The woman has been back to the DGS office to thank Tricia for helping her overcome the darkest day of her life.  The legal process is now complete, and she is very much looking forward to her future.  Out of this tragic situation, Tricia and this young lady have developed a special friendship and a bond for life. This is a wonderful example of going even above and beyond “Doing Great Service.”
