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June Honorees

Thank you Sini Jacobs and Tonya Kilgo! On June 17 at about 4:45 pm. Mike Zimmerman received an urgent call from a contractor who was having an issue logging on to EMMA and he needed to post a bid before the solicitation expired.  Mike reached out to Sini and asked her to call the contractor to see if we could help. At about 5:15 Mike received an email from the contractor stating that the EMMA support team reactivated the account so he was able to place his bid. He also noted that they also called him to ensure that the quote was processed into the system. I think that this level of support and follow-up demonstrates DGS OSP employees’ willingness not only to fix a problem, but to go the extra mile to ensure the fix worked as expected. While it may seem as if this is not such a big thing, to the vendor trying to input a quote so that his company can participate in a procurement and earn income, this seemingly easy response to a problem was very important to him. Sometimes just going a little over and beyond, can make somebody else’s day!    

Trisha Nelson is a Management Associate at the Office of Facilities Management’s Baltimore Public Buildings and Grounds unit.  She has been with DGS for six years. Not only is Trisha a very important contributor to the success of the Baltimore region’s work, she is the nucleus that holds the office together. Trisha monitors the day-to-day activities in Baltimore and keeps everyone accountable.  She keeps the ship pointed straight and running smooth.  She reviews bills, invoices and is part of the approval path for all purchases.  She prepares meeting notes and ensures the timeliness and accuracy of information passed along.   She trains employees on new processes.  She pushes everyone along to ensure deadlines are kept and she advocates for the division and everyone on the team. Trisha is a powerful team-player.  She is very approachable to everyone and always willing to help…but when necessary, she has no problem nudging folks in the right direction.  She can teach the oldest dog new tricks and is very patient when teaching staff.  She has a very soft touch and will stay with it as long as it takes. Trisha is part of Baltimore’s employee onboarding team.  She is the first friendly voice that new hires hear, because she also sets up interviews and coordinates the hiring process with DGS Human Resources.  She also collects keys and ID card when an employee departs State service.
