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Maryland Department of General Services Celebrates Flag Day

Hand-held flags will be distributed to honor the day

BALTIMORE, MD – The Maryland Department of General Services is commemorating Flag Day today by presenting hand-held flags to visitors and employees at General Services facilities in Baltimore and Annapolis. 

“Today is an important day in our nation’s history,” said Secretary Ellington E. Churchill, Jr.. “Today we celebrate the adoption of our American flag, as well as what the flag represents. Showing our pride in the stars and stripes is important this day and every day, and we are excited to provide others the opportunity to do the same.”

While the United States flag was adopted over 240 years ago on June 14, 1777 by resolution of the Second Continental Congress, it was not until August 1949 that National Flag Day was established by an Act of Congress. 

Two-Thousand American-made U.S. flags will be distributed at the following locations: Maryland State House, Revenue Administration Department in Annapolis, the Treasury Building in Annapolis, Community Place in Crownsville, the State Center buildings in Baltimore, and the William Donald Schaefer Building in Baltimore. 


About DGS: The Department of General Services is responsible for essential services and programs administered on behalf of the state, including procuring goods and services; designing, building, leasing, managing and maintaining facilities; leading energy conservation efforts; administering the state’s Capital Grants Program; and providing essential services such as fuel management, disposition of surplus property and records management. The Department of General Services Maryland Capitol Police maintains safety and security at state buildings.
