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April 2017 Honorees

Lisa Brittain celebrates her 30-year service milestone with DGS this year. She’s a Computer Information Specialist in the FPDC Management Information Division. She provides a valuable behind-the-scenes service to the Design & Construction divisions, keeping track of all of their data – mountains of data! She makes sure all of this data is in the database so it can be accessed quickly and efficiently at the request of project managers and even the Governor’s Office. When Public Information Act Requests are received, Lisa mines the database for the relevant information.

She’s had additional duties lately. Joe Pitruzzella, Chief of the Cost Center and Lisa’s next door office neighbor, has been out on FMLA. While out, he has stayed in touch through Lisa, who has been assisting him with document retrieval. Joe is the unofficial historian of DGS, with records dating back to the 1950’s on policies and projects. You can imagine the challenge of locating a document from the 1970’s from the generations of documents in numerous stacks throughout his office! Undaunted and with Joe’s guidance, Lisa finds what she’s searching for. And she is working simultaneously on moving Joe’s documents to a larger office that can accommodate the ever-increasing stacks.  This in and of itself is quite an undertaking!


Judy Fauntleroy

Judy Fauntleroy is a fiscal technician and has been with the Multi Service Centers division of DGS for eight years. She has been a tremendous help and asset to Region 6, which has grown over the years from 1 to 3 facilities. During this time, Judy has watched her workload nearly triple, especially in the past few years. She has kept up with the growth, demonstrating an ability to manage extra work and tackle problems head on.

Judy does not seek the spotlight. She can be found day in and day out in the basement of the Hyattsville District Court doing the state’s business. She is a team player and is always willing to help. Recently, she volunteered to help another manager complete some of his region’s work, which was without a fiscal technician.



S/O Brenda Redding

When the Maryland Capitol Police was experiencing manpower deficiencies during the busy 2017 General Assembly Session, Security Officer Brenda Redding went above and beyond by volunteering to do double duty. During February, she worked overtime every day of the 20 work days that month. MCP’s mission to man and operate all posts on each daily shift was not compromised because of her willingness to step forward.

S/O Redding always has a positive attitude, a smile on her face and words of encouragement for her colleagues and strangers alike. She wears the MCP security officer’s uniform with pride and professionalism. Without a doubt, she is among the top MCP employees.

S/O Redding no only represents MCP extraordinarily well on duty, but off duty as well. She has volunteered countless hours every month to make, serve and clean up breakfast/dinner at the local Lighthouse for the Homeless organization in Annapolis. “She encourages and recruits her co-workers to volunteer as well,” said Chief Mike Wilson, “including myself.”

