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Employee of the Month — Damara Knox

PCO Damara Knox

PCO Damara Knox at her desk in the 24/7 Annapolis operational dispatch center.

Annapolis Police Communications Officer (PCO) Damara Knox joined DGS in 1998 as a Security officer. In 2012, she was promoted to PCO. It’s a position she earned through hard work and determination.

“It all ties together,” explained Lt. Labs, Ms. Knox’s mentor. “We’re all about safety, called to help others. It was a natural progression from Security officer to member of the MCP Annapolis detachment.”

Lt. Labs explained that she could see that Ms. Knox had more to contribute, and she supported her when the Security officer showed an interest in applying for a PCO position. “She’s been an asset ever since,” Lt. Labs said.

A PCO has to be adept at multi-tasking. At any given moment in the 24/7 Annapolis operational dispatch center, the PCO might be taking calls for service while keeping an eye on entrances to state parking facilities. Another responsibility is running criminal background checks on contractors seeking to enter state buildings.

It’s a demanding job. PCOs are required to receive extensive training and demonstrate fluency in the federal and state criminal information databases. Yearly re-certification is required by the FBI’s National Crime Information Center, which maintains a computerized database of documented criminal justice information available to law enforcement agencies nationwide.

PCO Knox takes the initiative when additional support is needed, Lt. Labs noted. During the blizzard, for example, PCO Knox arrived at work prepared to do double shifts when she learned that another dispatcher had gotten snowed in.

“The Capitol Police and Security officers share responsibility for maintaining security and safety at state facilities,” said MCP Chief Mike Wilson. “When a Security officer expresses an interest in joining the MCP, we know that the groundwork has already been laid; the experience in protecting the safety of employees and visitors is already there.”

For her professionalism and her commitment to the safety and security of everyone on state property, PCO Damara Knox is our employee of the month.
