Maryland Department of General Services Distributes 70 Laptops to Ruth Kirk Recreation & Learning Center
BALTIMORE, MD – Secretary Atif Chaudhry today announced that the Maryland Department of General Services Federal Surplus Property Division, in partnership with PCs for People and The Buddy Project Inc., distributed 70 laptops to the Ruth Kirk Recreation & Learning Center.
“The Ruth Kirk Learning Center is a beacon for West Baltimore, providing valuable resources and a safe space for youth and their families,” said Maryland Department of General Services Secretary Atif Chaudhry. “DGS has been a long time partner with the center by providing much-needed supplies over the years, including diapers, food, clothing, shoes, and computers.”
The Federal Surplus Property Donation Program enables certain non-federal organizations, such as local jurisdictions and nonprofit organizations to obtain surplus property from the federal government under the authority of Title 40 of the United States Code , Section 549 based on an application process. PCs for People and Buddy Project are active participants in the Federal Surplus Personal Property Program, which is administered by DGS.
This donation of 70 laptops is a continuation of the department’s commitment to bridging the digital divide in Maryland. The Department of General Services has partnered with PCs to People to donate more than 15,000 computers to schools and non-profit organizations throughout Maryland. The Department of General Services has also partnered with the Buddy Project, Inc. to donate more than 2,000 computers to schools and non-profit organizations throughout Maryland.
PCs for People’s mission is to dismantle the digital divide throughout Maryland. Founded in 1998, PCs for People operates in markets such as Baltimore, Denver, St. Paul, Minnesota, and Kansas City, Missouri. PCs for People gets donations from individuals, businesses and corporations. They receive computers, keyboards and laptops that have been fully refurbished and made like new for people in need.
The Buddy Project, located in Frederick, Maryland, provides refurbished computers to those who are intellectually and developmentally disabled, and these computers are set up specifically for people with disabilities. The Buddy Project is an increasingly vital part of the disabled community, and plans to be an important advocate and educational resource to the general public for disabled individuals.
About DGS: The Department of General Services is responsible for essential services and programs administered on behalf of the state, including but not limited to procuring goods and services; designing, building, leasing, managing and maintaining facilities; leading energy conservation efforts; administering the state’s Capital Grants Program; and providing essential services such as inventory control, disposition of surplus property and records management. The Department of General Services Maryland Capitol Police maintains safety and security with statewide jurisdiction in state-owned buildings, state leased facilities, and surrounding areas.