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April Honorees

The Design, Construction, & Energy Division takes pride in their teamwork and customer service. Two great examples of that teamwork and customer service are Jackie Koppenhaver and Lisa Brittan. They have been in State service for almost 72 years combined – Jackie has over 35yrs and Lisa has over 36yrs; DCE legend has it that they both started right out of kindergarten. For most of those years, Jackie and Lisa have had many critical roles & responsibilities for DCE – managing information in the AS 400 database, creating project numbers and folders to track accounting for each project, responding to a variety of questions from DBM and DLS relating to project and funding information, to name a few. Along with their everyday duties, Jackie and Lisa create project numbers and folders for each new project that DCE manages in our shared drive. I think everyone is aware that this year, DCE was blessed with an abundance of funding from Annapolis and this translates into more construction projects. In a normal year, there are about 160 projects. This year with additional funding, there are over 340 new projects which means that Jackie and Lisa’s workload has more than doubled and, as always, the tasks were completed with the same excellence they put in everyday. I can truly say that DCE couldn’t run efficiently without the expertise and support provided by Jackie and Lisa as they are involved with all of the DCE teams daily activities. For this and every other task they help with and do for us, we recognize Jackie and Lisa for doing great service.
