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The Maryland Department of General Services Hosts Educational Recycle Awareness Event in Honor of America Recycles Day

BALTIMORE, MD – The Maryland Department of General Services (DGS) today hosted an educational recycle awareness event in honor of America Recycles Day. DGS’ Office of Energy and Sustainability organized the event to engage state employees and individuals about the importance and benefits of recycling, while learning about the recycling services provided in Maryland.

“This event is one of the several steps DGS is taking to show why recycling matters to Maryland,” said DGS Secretary Ellington E. Churchill Jr. “A little effort on an individual’s level can help make a big difference in recycling rates and health of our state, country, and planet.”

In 1988 the Maryland Recycling Act (MRA) authorized the Maryland Department of Environment to reduce the disposal of solid waste through management, education, and regulation. The MRA requires state agencies to have a recycling rate of 30%. In an effort to meet this standard the Office of Energy and Sustainability recently launched a recycling pilot campaign to analyze the challenges of recycling at DGS, and to make recycling simpler and more convenient for state employees.

Vendors from various business sectors and key state agencies will be on hand to provide information on recycling during today’s educational awareness event, including; Grainger, Republic Services, Securis, Techno Rescue, Waste Strategies, and the Maryland Department of Environment. 


About DGS: The Department of General Services is responsible for essential services and programs administered on behalf of the state, including but not limited to procuring goods and services; designing, building, leasing, managing and maintaining facilities; leading energy conservation efforts; administering the state’s Capital Grants Program; and providing essential services such as inventory control, disposition of surplus property and records management. The Department of General Services Maryland Capitol Police maintains safety and security with statewide jurisdiction in state-owned buildings, state leased facilities, and surrounding areas.
