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August Honoree

As we all learn to adjust to a new normal resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, our security officers have remained steadfast and diligent throughout. They have been on the front lines securing our buildings in Annapolis and Baltimore constantly greeting and directing and monitoring staff, vendors and visitors. These men and women exemplify the characteristics and attributes of the finest security officers. Importantly, they have continued to report for duty during these trying times and have shown strength and tenacity on a daily basis. They have proven that what they do is more than just a job; it is a critical service. While you might not know all their names you know their face; you remember their good morning’s or hello’s, their friendly waves, their have a good evening’s or see you tomorrow’s. You remember brief chats or helpful demeanor. While you reflect on all of this, remember that these are the men and women who have continually secured our front lines, long before COVID-19.
