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August Employee of the Month – Sergeant Dave Lewis

Sgt. Dave Lewis was a police officer with the Morgan University Police Department for seven years before he joined the Maryland Capitol Police Department in November 2014. In less than two years (August 2016), he was promoted to sergeant because of his dedication, work ethic and skills.

MCP has had an influx of new employees in recent months, particularly police officers. The first order of business is field training for the new officers and Sergeant Lewis was appointed to supervise the program. He has overseen the training of multiple back-to-back groups of the newly-hired personnel and has ensured that all the requirements of MPTC (Maryland Police Training Commission) have been met. As a result, a highly qualified group of new officers have come out of the program.

Another assignment Sgt. Lewis recently undertook with great success was a special assignment to make drivers aware of the high volume of pedestrian traffic in the crosswalks and roadways around the State House complex in Annapolis, over which MCP has jurisdiction. There had been two pedestrian accidents along College Avenue, and Sgt. Lewis was assigned the task of forming a special assignment team to enforce Maryland traffic laws in the area where the accidents occurred.

He and his team conducted enforcement efforts that included using plain clothes officers acting as pedestrians. During the first four days of operation, the special assignment team issued 53 state citations, 29 written warnings and four equipment repair orders for various violations, thus making the roads and crosswalks around the State House complex safer for all users.
