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Department of General Services Surpasses $2 Million in Sales in Fiscal Year 2017

BALTIMORE, MD–The Maryland Department of General Services (DGS) today announced the successful recovery of more than $2 million in sales from the auction of state agency surplus assets during Fiscal Year 2017. These surplus assets were sold using the government online auction resource DGS has used since 2005, recovering more than $11.9 million in sales, $6 million or 51 percent of which has occurred during the Hogan administration.

“By selling surplus property, we are saving Maryland taxpayers money and providing a convenient, environmentally-friendly, and cost-saving entity to our customers,” said DGS Secretary Ellington Churchill. “These auctions are an innovative and convenient way to take the state’s surplus assets and put them into use again.”

DGS has also been able to significantly reduce overhead since use of an online auction resource enables assets to be offered for reuse to state agencies, local governments, and qualified non-profits without the need to store them in warehouses or transport to a landfill. Assets that are not claimed for reuse can then be auctioned from their original location rather than relocated again for a live public auction.

A portion of the state’s sales is due to the sale of several Eurocopters, which were previously used by the Maryland State Police Aviation Command. Other DGS auction assets included computer equipment, heavy equipment, and various office items. Although the majority of these assets are purchased by Maryland bidders, buyers of DGS assets have come from as far away as Australia.

DGS plans to continue posting surplus assets for auction on All DGS auctions are open to the public and bidder registration is free. New bidders can complete their registration at, and then begin bidding on


About DGS: The Department of General Services is responsible for essential services and programs administered on behalf of the state, including procuring goods and services; designing, building, leasing, managing and maintaining facilities; leading energy conservation efforts; and providing essential services such as fuel management, disposition of surplus property and records management. The Department of General Services Maryland Capitol Police maintains safety and security at state buildings.
