Employee of the Month – Maurice Jeffreys

Maurice is pictured (LtoR) with Deputy Secretary Leigh Williams, FOM Assistant Secretary Luis Luna, Deputy Secretary Nelson Reichart, Superintendent Dan Campbell and Secretary Churchill.
Maurice Jeffreys is a mountain of a man with a heart of gold and a passion for his work. He has been a valued member of the Facilities Operations & Maintenance team at the State Office Complex since 1998. A dedicated and highly skilled employee, he gives 100% in his work.
Maurice stands a head taller than most employees, so you can’t miss him. He prefers to stay in the background, however, quietly getting the job done. He puts a lot of pride into his work, going above and beyond because the status quo isn’t good enough for him. His colleagues can count on him to lend a helping hand whenever asked.
Always with a smile on his face, Maurice is pleasant, polite and courteous. He can be found DGSing (Doing Great Service) on most days of the week.