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Posts Tagged ‘Maryland Department of Commerce’


Maryland Receives Funding to Develop Wood Energy Projects

Funds Support Market Opportunities for Forest Products Industry The Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Maryland Forest Service has been awarded nearly $250,000 for a Wood Innovations Grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to develop priority projects with the Maryland Wood Energy Team. This partnership with the Maryland Clean Energy Center, Maryland Department  Read the Rest…

Programs and Funding Bolster Maryland Forest Products Sector

State, Partners Working on New Market Strategies The Maryland Department of Natural Resources, the Maryland Department of Commerce, and other state agencies are working with partners across the state to direct grants, programs, and strategies for building new markets for Maryland’s forest products industry.   Overall market decline and sudden losses such as the closure of  Read the Rest…

Secretary’s Message: May 2018

Commission Hits the Ground Running Recently the Maryland Outdoor Recreation Economic Commission held its first meeting – and we’re ready to hit the road. Created by Governor Larry Hogan last fall, this commission will develop innovative strategies to market Maryland’s unique outdoor and heritage recreation brand, as well as recommend initiatives to attract and retain outdoor  Read the Rest…

Governor Larry Hogan Announces Maryland Outdoor Recreational Economic Commission

Will Strengthen the Outdoor Recreation Industry, Boost Rural Maryland Economy Governor Larry Hogan today announced Executive Order 01.01.2017.24 establishing the Maryland Outdoor Recreational Economic Commission (MORE). This commission will be responsible for developing strategies and making recommendations to the governor to strengthen the state’s outdoor recreation industry and help ensure increased investment in our state’s  Read the Rest…

Governor Larry Hogan Commemorates Grand Opening of Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad Visitor Center

Governor Commits to Full Funding of Harriet Tubman Statue on State House Grounds In honor of Harriet Tubman Day, Governor Larry Hogan today announced the grand opening of the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad Visitor Center in Church Creek, Maryland. The governor joined nearly 500 guests for the ribbon-cutting ceremony, including descendants of Harriet Ross Tubman,  Read the Rest…

