MCP Police and Security Officers Receive Well-Deserved Recognition

(LtoR) Lt. Eric Yealdhall, Sgt. Andre Davis, Sgt. Matt Warehime, PFC Jerry Harris and Security Officer Zelda Brown each received the Chief’s Salute for contributing to the well-being of the citizens of Maryland.
Since assuming the chief’s position in 2001, Mike Wilson has strived to take the Department of General Services (DGS) Maryland Capitol Police (MCP) in a new direction, fostering a culture where leadership is about doing the right thing. “Effective leaders lead by example,” the Chief said at the opening of MCP’s recent Awards Ceremony. “And effective leadership includes recognizing well-deserving police and security officers for going above and beyond to help people.”
The last time MCP officers were publicly recognized for their service was in 2008, so the awards ceremony held on July 29 was “long overdue,” as Chief Wilson noted in his opening remarks. Relatives, friends and other guests were there to celebrate with the honorees as they were commended for outstanding service.
Through its Annapolis and Baltimore detachments, the Maryland Capitol Police provides security for the Annapolis and Baltimore State Office Centers, encompassing 30 State buildings, 10 parking garages and 16 parking lots. In addition, MCP operates the Maryland State Identification Card Program.
These responsibilities, however, merely scratch the surface of the varied duties MCP undertakes. An example of those duties was on display during the presentation of the first award, a Special Detail Citation, which authorizes a Special Events Ribbon for any uniformed member of MCP, sworn or civilian, who participated in an event that the Chief of Police determines to be a significant or historical event.
That event was the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Baltimore and the Star Spangled Banner in September 2014. The recipients’ duties included maintaining security and transporting original documents associated with the Star Spangled Banner. Eleven police officers and 14 security officers were recognized.

(LtoR) Sgt. Sheri Jackson, Jan Brown, Crystal Jones, Yolanda Robinson and Jay Jiggetts each received the Unit Citation Award. Deputy Chief Terry Custer is pictured behind the awardees.
The Chief’s Salute came next and was presented to seven officers for contributing to the well-being of the citizens of Maryland and the DGS-MCP:
Sergeant Andre Davis – for developing and presenting the “Active Shooter Awareness” training seminar;
Sergeant Dennis Donaldson – for developing and overseeing the Annapolis Detachment Bicycle Patrol Program;
Lieutenant Eric Yealdhall – for developing the “Visitor Management” program; and
Police Communications Officer Damara Knox, PFC Jerry Harris and Security Officer Zelda Brown and Sergeant Dennis Donaldson – for their response to a fellow officer’s need for immediate medical attention.
The Unit Citation award is presented to two or more members of a unit who perform an act or series of acts over a period of time which demonstrate a high degree of teamwork and professionalism and ultimately increase the department’s effectiveness and efficiency:
Detectives Robert Brown and Michael Cichowicz – for their work investigating crimes committed within State owned and operated properties;
Sergeant Sheri Jackson, Jay Jiggetts, Crystal Jones, Jan Brown and Yolanda Robinson, members of the Security Card Processing Center – for processing over 14,267 security cards, 8,776 returns and 4,656 proxy privileges to senators, delegates, state employees, contractors and lobbyists during 2014;
Sergeant Matthew Warehime and Lieutenant Eric Yealdhall – for developing the “ArrestApp” program.
Other awardees included Police Communications Officer Clint Walker, Dispatcher of the Year; Jamal Henderson , Security Officer of the Year; Sergeant Ebonie Richardson, Supervisor of the Year; and Officer First Class Jerry Harris, Police Officer of the Year.
“Our committed and hardworking police and security officers quietly go about their jobs of ensuring the safety and security of State employees and visitors to DGS facilities,” said Chief Wilson. “They don’t seek recognition, but without question, they deserve it. The awards ceremony will be held every year to acknowledge and thank the men and women of the Maryland Capitol Police who regularly go above and beyond.”
Fittingly, the program closed with a special thanks to the family and friends of those honored at the awards ceremony: “Your loving support makes it possible for those of us in law enforcement to continue in our service to our communities with pride and honor.”