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Posts Tagged ‘Wolf Den Run State Park’


Fall Foliage Report September 28, 2023

“I cannot endure to waste something as precious as autumn sunshine by staying in the house.” – Nathaniel Hawthorne Most of us are rejoicing after seeing the sun for the first time in days. Tropical Storm Ophelia brought drenching rain to Maryland’s coastal region last weekend, with additional rain stretching into the western portion of  Read the Rest…

Wolf Den Run State Park Open House

Share Your Thoughts Oct. 20 in Kitzmiller The Maryland Department of Natural Resources will hold an informational open house for Wolf Den Run State Park from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Oct. 20 at Kitzmiller Elementary School. Maryland Park Service staff will be available to answer questions about the new state park and provide comments  Read the Rest…

New State Park Slated for Western Maryland

Ecologically-Important Area Conserved and Preserved; Public Access and Recreation Expanded The Board of Public Works today unanimously approved the Maryland Department of Natural Resources acquisition of 2,009 acres in Western Maryland for the development of a new state park. This acquisition in Garrett County consists of three parcels near Kitzmiller, with two of the parcels being adjacent  Read the Rest…

