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Posts Tagged ‘stranding’


Cornerstone of Bay Science: A Tour of the Cooperative Oxford Laboratory

This joint DNR-federal facility is critical for oyster science and other marine research for the region The Cooperative Oxford Laboratory is a unique collaborative research facility shared by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Ocean Service and the Chesapeake Bay Office of the National Marine Fisheries Service. Located  Read the Rest…

Marylanders Asked to Stay Alert For Cold-Stunned Aquatic Wildlife

Lethargic sea turtles and marine mammals should be reported to 800-628-9944 The Maryland Department of Natural Resources asks those visiting the Chesapeake Bay or Atlantic coast to be vigilant of sea turtles who exhibit signs of cold-stunning, a condition that causes animals to become debilitated and experience hypothermia-like symptoms due to prolonged exposure to cold  Read the Rest…

Cold-Stunning Threatens Aquatic Wildlife – Marylanders Asked to Help

Lethargic sea turtles and marine mammals should be reported to 800-628-9944 The Maryland Department of Natural Resources asks those visiting the Chesapeake Bay or Atlantic Coast to be vigilant of sea turtles who exhibit signs of cold-stunning, a condition that causes animals to become debilitated and experience hypothermia-like symptoms due to prolonged exposure to cold  Read the Rest…

Dolphin Mania: Technology boosts public eye

The earliest recorded historical accounts of dolphins were approximately 1600 B.C., where they were found depicted on ancient frescoes in the Palace of Knossos on the Greek Island of Crete. According to author Chris Catton, the image of dolphins rescuing sailors or carrying humans recurs again and again in myth and folklore. “The sculptures, the  Read the Rest…

