The Maryland Department of Natural Resources launched a new pilot program this year that awarded $27,000 to four different outdoor recreation activities and opportunities in Maryland’s underserved communities.
Trip highlights opportunities to enjoy farm-fresh Maryland ice cream after hiking at a state park or natural resource management area Today, Maryland Department of Agriculture Secretary Kevin Atticks and Department of Natural Resources Secretary Josh Kurtz visited Rocky Point Creamery in Tuscarora after hiking a trail at the Monocacy Natural Resources Management Area in Dickerson Read the Rest…
March is a transition month – the beginning of spring is perhaps the most visible and dramatic of all seasonal changes within a short span of time. While our public lands and waters offer access to nature all year, March is an especially busy time as the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) makes preparations Read the Rest…
Nation’s Largest Outdoor Recreation Organization Comes to Annapolis Maryland’s Office of Outdoor Recreation this week hosted colleagues from the Confluence of States, a nationwide bipartisan organization dedicated to the growth of the outdoor recreation industry, in Annapolis. “The Confluence of States, Office of Outdoor Recreation, and the Maryland Departments of Natural Resources and Commerce have Read the Rest…
In September 2021, Governor Larry Hogan created the Office of Outdoor Recreation within the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR), and I am honored and pleased to serve as its inaugural executive director.