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Posts Tagged ‘Hart-Miller Island State Park’


Lifeguards Compete to Showcase Skills, Build Camaraderie

Annual Competition Demonstrates Expertise, Tenacity Six teams of lifeguards from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources put their skills to the test in a competition held Aug. 7 at Hart-Miller Island State Park in Baltimore County. The Maryland Park Service hires more than 120 lifeguards each year to protect summer swimmers and waders at the state’s beaches, lakes and pools. They  Read the Rest…

Weekly Fishing Report: October 25

It seems hard to believe but the month of October is slipping away and November is just around the corner. Temperatures continue to be somewhat mild, and it is a wonderful time to take the young ones out fishing after school or on the weekends. The fall trout stocking program for October is almost over; these put-and-take  Read the Rest…

