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Posts Tagged ‘Harriet Tubman Rural Legacy Area’


535 Acres Protected in Cecil County

Board of Public Works Approves Conservation Easement The Board of Public Works today approved a Maryland Department of Natural Resources item that authorizes a $1.7 million grant to the Cecil Land Trust to acquire a 535-acre conservation easement. Rural Legacy Program funds will be used to protect productive agricultural and forestland along Northeast Creek as  Read the Rest…

Secretary’s Message: September 2018

Help Celebrate and Preserve Maryland’s Historic Beauty Labor Day may be the end of summer vacation, but now is a time when outdoor recreation is getting ready to peak. September is a month when the Maryland Department of Natural Resources highlights our state’s spectacular and diverse terrain, and the role it plays in our culture, heritage and living history.  Read the Rest…

$25 Million Approved for Rural Legacy Program

Harriet Tubman Rural Legacy Area Designated in Dorchester County; Five Other Areas Expanded The Board of Public Works today approved 16 Rural Legacy Program grants – totaling over $25 million – that will provide dedicated state funding to permanently protect working farms and forests in designated areas across the state. Working through local government and private  Read the Rest…

