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Posts Tagged ‘Gift of Trees’


Maryland Departments of Natural Resources, Environment Celebrate Milestone of 1 Million Trees Planted

State is on track towards 5 million trees goal after plantings increased significantly in 2024 Before the close of 2024, Maryland planted more than 1 million trees towards the state’s 5 Million Trees Initiative. The millionth tree was planted in western Maryland in the fall, according to Maryland Department of Natural Resources data. The milestone  Read the Rest…

Somerset County Celebrating Arbor Day

Students to Join State, County Officials for Tree-Planting Somerset County government, in partnership with the Maryland Department of Natural Resources will hold its first Arbor Day celebration with a tree planting event on April 24. The event begins at 10 a.m. next to the Board of Education Building, 7982A Tawes Campus Drive, Westover. Local and  Read the Rest…

Give the Gift of Trees this Holiday

Trees Provide Ecological, Economic and Quality of Life Benefits This holiday season the Maryland Department of Natural Resources offers everyone the opportunity to give the Gift of Trees, a program where Marylanders purchase native trees for planting in honor of a celebration, commemoration or observation. Trees provide ecological, economic and quality of life benefits and services, including enhancing  Read the Rest…

