Posts Tagged ‘fall’
Early Muzzleloader Deer Season Opens Oct. 17 throughout Maryland
Maryland’s Black Bear Activity Increases in Fall
The Maryland Department of Natural Resources reminds residents that black bears are beginning a period of increased feeding activity in preparation for winter hibernation. As the leaves change and the weather cools, bears become more active as they search for food. During this time, bears will travel across roads more frequently. They also can become more attracted to Read the Rest…
Fall 2024 Trout Stocking to Begin Across Maryland
Hatcheries are shifting towards stocking larger trout in response to angler input The Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will begin fall trout stocking in early October as soon as water levels and temperatures are acceptable for trout. Department crews will transport thousands of state hatchery-raised brown, golden rainbow, and rainbow trout and release them Read the Rest…
Secretary’s Message – Spend Fall Afield in Maryland
The lush summer greenscape all around us is soon to give way to the glow of autumn. While we know warm weather will be lingering for some time, we can already feel the brisk breezes of fall in the evening air. We are entering a great time to visit the majestic vistas of Maryland, walk Read the Rest…
Maryland Deer Hunters Conclude Successful Fall Firearm Season
Fall Hunting for Small Game and Turkey Offers Abundant Opportunities
Fall Foliage Report – October 20, 2022
Maryland has been called “America in Miniature” – you can find just about any kind of natural feature here, except a desert. This has extended to the weather in recent days, with snow falling in Western Maryland and sunny, 70 degree days and blue skies on the Eastern Shore. The snowfall caused the loss Read the Rest…
Fall Foliage Report – October 13, 2022
This fall season is shaping up to be a memorable one, and if you’re lucky enough to live in or visit Western Maryland right now, you’ll soon know why. The fall foliage show is on in mountainous Western Maryland with a full spectrum of fall colors on display. This week we have an extended report Read the Rest…
Maryland Fall Turkey, Small Game Hunting Seasons Beginning
Numerous Opportunities to Hunt Statewide The Maryland Department of Natural Resources reminds hunters that squirrel, rabbit, fall turkey, and other seasons are either underway or set to open in the coming weeks. Hunters are also reminded that changes have been made to ruffed grouse and bobwhite quail seasons.
Muzzleloader Deer Season Opens in Late October
First Segment of Season Starts October 20 The Maryland Department of Natural Resources announced that the first segment of Maryland’s muzzleloader deer season runs from Oct. 20-22 statewide. Hunters in Region B — the state’s central, southern, and eastern regions — can also use muzzleloaders from Oct. 24-29 for antlerless deer only. The popular season typically coincides Read the Rest…
Fall Trout Stocking to Begin Across Maryland
Fishing Spots to Receive Allotments in October The Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will begin fall trout stock in early October. The department will be stocking thousands of hatchery-raised brown, golden, and rainbow trout in select creeks, rivers, lakes, and ponds across the state. Anglers are encouraged to sign up to receive stocking updates. Read the Rest…
Fall Foliage Report September 22, 2022
Fall Hunting for Small Game and Turkey Offers Abundant Opportunities
Maryland’s ‘Other’ Hunts Provide Active Enjoyment The Maryland Department of Natural Resources remind hunters that squirrel, rabbit, fall turkey, and other seasons are either underway or set to open in the coming weeks. These species offer generous seasons and bag limits and a chance to make some great memories this fall and winter.
Maryland Black Bear Activity Increasing in Fall Months
Residents Reminded to Take Common-Sense Precautions The Maryland Department of Natural Resources reminds residents that black bears are beginning a period of increased feeding activity in preparation for winter hibernation. During this time, bears may become more attracted to human-provided food sources and lose their natural fear of people, which can be dangerous for both people and bears. Read the Rest…
Secretary’s Message — September 2021
Maryland’s Outdoors Preparing a Cool Transition to Fall One of Maryland’s favorite summer pastimes is visiting the Maryland State Fair. Now in its 140th year, DNR was pleased to participate again this year and showcase the many ways we work to preserve, protect, and enhance our state’s natural resources. It was also a great Read the Rest…
Trout Stocking in Maryland Resumes for Fall Fishing
Hatchery-Raised Trout Bound for Select Creeks, Lakes, Rivers The Maryland Department of Natural Resources will soon begin fall trout stocking. The department anticipates stocking thousands of brown, golden, and rainbow trout in select creeks, lakes, and rivers across the state starting in early October.