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Posts Tagged ‘endangered’


Maryland Park Service Rangers Bring Bald Eagles to the White House

Rehabilitated eagles are ambassadors for environmental action and the Endangered Species Act Two winged representatives from the Maryland Park Service attended the White House this month. Rehabilitated bald eagles Buck and Mo, along with a contingent of Maryland Park Service Rangers, were invited to the White House to celebrate the anniversary of the Endangered Species  Read the Rest…

Nesting Platform Initiative for Endangered Birds in Maryland Coastal Bays is a Big Success

Conservation Partnership Celebrates Successful Breeding Season for Common Terns  The partnership of Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Audubon Mid-Atlantic, and Maryland Coastal Bays Program, announced another successful year for the innovative conservation project to preserve three of Maryland’s state listed endangered colonial nesting waterbirds — the Common Tern, Royal Tern, and Black Skimmer, The  Read the Rest…

