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Shooter Qualification Schedule Released

Proficiency Necessary to Participate in Managed Deer Hunts The Maryland Department of Natural Resources has released the 2017-18 Shooter Qualification Schedule which includes more than 25 qualification sessions at 15 locations across the state. These events allow hunters to take the necessary proficiency test required to obtain a Shooter Qualification Card in order to participate  Read the Rest…

Marylanders Reminded to Keep Fawns Wild

Removing Wild Animals is Dangerous, Illegal and Unnecessary With late spring being the prime birthing time for white-tailed deer in the state, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources reminds anyone who encounters a fawn to avoid disturbing it. While young deer often appear to be orphaned, in most cases the doe is nearby protecting and feeding her offspring.  Read the Rest…

Six Deer Test Positive for Chronic Wasting Disease

Cases Localized to Existing Management Area in Western Maryland The Maryland Department of Natural Resources recently received laboratory confirmation that six white-tailed deer sampled in Allegany County tested positive for chronic wasting disease. All of the cases were found within the existing Chronic Wasting Disease Management Area.

Natural Resources Staff Rescues “Jughead” the Deer

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources is pleased to report that members of its Wildlife and Heritage Service successfully rescued a juvenile male deer Sunday night after it was trapped for more than a week with a plastic snack container over its head. The animal, nicknamed “Jughead,” was found and later freed in Harford County.

