Fishing is good this week in all parts of the Chesapeake Bay, the Atlantic Ocean and Coastal Bays, and the many freshwater areas throughout the state. Maryland Department of Natural Resources’ biologists are looking to better understand the striped bass recreational fishery in the Chesapeake Bay and are asking for your help. Biologists have set Read the Rest…
Spend your time enjoying family and friends, as the end of summer now looms on the horizon. Before they go back to school, load up your young’uns and take them on some summer fishing adventures. There is plenty of fun to be had out there and plenty of fish to keep them busy and build Read the Rest…
Summertime fishing is in full swing, and anglers have been finding many adventures with other species of fish during the two-week striped bass closure in the Chesapeake Bay.
There is plenty of fishing to entertain anglers during these hot summer days. As a reminder, all areas of the Chesapeake Bay will be closed to any targeting of striped bass from July 16 through July 31 to protect the species during this hottest part of the year. Fishing for a variety of species can Read the Rest…