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Posts Tagged ‘Atlantic Flyway Resident Population Canada Goose Hunting Zone’


Winter Youth Waterfowl Hunt Day Feb. 8

Great Opportunity to Mentor Young Hunters The Maryland Department of Natural Resources reminds hunters of all ages that Feb. 8 is a Youth Waterfowl Hunt Day. This is a great chance for qualified mentors to take a young or aspiring waterfowler into the field to teach hunting skills, reinforce the safety lessons of hunter education classes,  Read the Rest…

Youth Waterfowl Hunting Day Feb. 10

Chance for Young Hunters to Hone Skills with Adult Mentor The Maryland Department of Natural Resources is offering a Youth Waterfowl Hunt Day statewide Feb. 10. Hunters 16 years of age or younger may hunt coots, ducks, geese and mergansers on both private and public land this day when aided by an unarmed adult, at  Read the Rest…

