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Posts Tagged ‘Angela Crenshaw’


DNR to Acquire Property to Establish First State Park in Wicomico County

The Board of Public Works approved the Maryland Department of Natural Resources to purchase a historic property that would become the first Maryland State Park in Wicomico County.  The Department will acquire approximately 445 acres of land along Wetipquin Creek from owner Donald Graham for $3.3 million. Wetipquin Creek State Park, currently in the planning  Read the Rest…

Secretary’s Message – December 2023

Building a team for Maryland’s future As I conclude my first year at the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, I am grateful for the opportunities that lie ahead for developing a sustainable future. I appreciate Governor Wes Moore, Lt. Gov. Aruna Miller and the entire administration for their support of our mission: To follow the  Read the Rest…

Grants for Conservation, Education, and Recreation Awarded to 19 Projects in Maryland State Parks

Supporters Provide ‘Small Grants, Big Impact’ The Friends of Maryland State Parks Foundation recently awarded 19 grants totaling $31,280 to Maryland State Parks statewide, through the organization’s “Small Grants, Big Impact” initiative. These funds will provide resources to parks throughout the state for fishing education, bike repair stands, reforestation, and the purchase of kayaks and  Read the Rest…

From the Field: Angela Crenshaw

The Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad State Park and Visitor Center, which opened in March 2017, has educated hundreds of thousands of guests on the life and legacy of an incredible Maryland leader. Such a place itself requires passionate leadership, which it has clearly found in Assistant Park Manager Ranger Angela Crenshaw.

