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Maryland Climate Leadership Academy Enrolling Fall Cohorts

Programs Held at Johns Hopkins, College of Southern Maryland

Photo of shoreline being monitored for climate change effectsThe Maryland Department of Natural Resources announces open enrollment for Maryland Climate Leadership Academy courses starting this September at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore and the College of Southern Maryland in Charles County. Registration is open until Aug. 15, but classes are capped at 75 participants. 

The Maryland Climate Leadership Academy, which kicked off in fall 2018, is the nation’s first state-sponsored institution providing continuing education and executive training programs specifically designed for state and local government officials, infrastructure executives, and business leaders.
These will be the fifth and sixth cohorts of the academy, which so far has provided climate resilience understanding and training to more than 200 participants. The Maryland Department of Natural Resources helps fund the program and provides staff expertise for classes.

Participants in this series will benefit from preparation for professional credentials and will have an opportunity to inform the development of future academy programs.
