DNR at Maryland State Fair for 2022
Exhibits Now Open in the Mosner Miller Building

Maryland DNR photo
The Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will bring displays, exhibits and programs about our state’s forests, fish, waters, and wildlife to the 2022 Maryland State Fair at the Timonium Fairgrounds from Thursday, Aug. 25 through Monday, September 11.
Fairgoers are invited to stop by the DNR room at the Mosner Miller building every Thursday evening starting at 5 p.m., and all day Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Labor Day during the fair. Guests of all ages can talk with experts and enjoy fun, educational, and informational exhibits about fishing, hunting, forestry, state parks, protecting our shorelines and natural resources, and more.
Highlights this year include activities about Maryland’s wildlife and pollinators; displays on Maryland’s forest products, a living shoreline tabletop demonstration, a kiosk with hands-on construction and engineering projects for kids, safety and recruitment information from the Maryland Natural Resources Police, and of course, visits by Smokey Bear.
“The State Fair is always a wonderful opportunity to connect with Marylanders and share the enjoyment of nature,” DNR Secretary Jeannie Haddaway-Riccio said. “We look forward to another fun year of education and engagement during this great Maryland tradition.”
More information about the Maryland State Fair is available at marylandstatefair.com.