Wildlife Professional’s Estate Bequeaths $1.7M to Department
Gift to Support Wildlife Education and Upland Habitat Projects

Marilyn Mause in 2017. photo courtesy Gregory Bartles.
The Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Wildlife and Heritage Service recently received a $1.7 million gift from the estate of longtime employee Marilyn Mause specifically for wildlife education and upland habitat projects. Mause, who worked 34 years for the department’s wildlife unit primarily within the state’s central region, passed away in 2018.
“Marilyn’s gift clearly demonstrates her passion for wildlife management within the State,” Wildlife and Heritage Service Director Paul Peditto said. “We plan to use this gift to further the great work she took pride in doing while she was part of our team.”
While she had many roles during her career, Mause had a special interest in upland habitat management and education. She took pride in educating the public about Maryland’s wildlife and enjoyed her time working as a biologist where she got to interact directly with landowners on habitat projects.