Maryland DNR Service Centers Begin Opening by Appointment
Safety Protocols Allow Access at Most Locations

Maryland Department of Natural Resources Solomons Service Center
The Maryland Department of Natural Resources will begin offering appointments at select licensing and registration centers in a phased reopening of in-person services for customers.
Appointments will be available starting June 15 at the following locations (unless otherwise noted):
- Bel Air – 501 W. MacPhail Road #2
- Centreville, 120 Broadway Ave.
- Cumberland – 13300 Winchester Road (open Tuesdays and Thursdays)
- Essex – 1338 Eastern Blvd. A (open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays)
- Frederick – 1601A Bowmans Farm Road
- Salisbury – 251 Tilghman Road #2
- Solomons – 14175 Solomons Island Road S., opens June 12
UPDATE: Annapolis Service Center will open by appointment only starting June 29.
Additional locations and start dates will be posted on the department’s website as they become available.
Customers will be able to schedule appointments online at the link for each service center location or by calling the center for assistance.
Only customers with appointments will be allowed entry. Unless accompanying a customer who needs assistance, we request that additional family or friends wait outside.
Customers are required to wear face masks for entry, and should arrive 5 to 10 minutes early for their appointments to allow for security protocols to be followed. Staff at the entrances will conduct brief screenings, which may include a temperature check and survey questions.
This reopening is following guidelines of the Maryland Strong: Roadmap to Recovery which includes a Safer at Home public health advisory. Marylanders, particularly older and more vulnerable Marylanders, are strongly advised to continue staying home as much as possible.
The online COMPASS portal provides 24/7 self service access to recreational licenses, permits, and stamps; off-road vehicle registrations; magazine subscriptions; and donation options in support of your favorite Maryland Department of Natural Resources programs.
Additionally, the department can process transactions by mail at the Annapolis, Bel Air, Centreville, Salisbury, Solomons, and Frederick service centers.
Governor Hogan has granted a grace period for certain licenses, permits, registrations, and other authorizations that have expired or would otherwise be renewable during the state of emergency (since March 5, 2020). The grace period will last 30 days after the termination of the state of emergency.