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Department Seeks Local Proposals for Public Outdoor Recreation Projects

The department recently announced FY19 funding for two projects in Allegany County. Other examples of recently completed Land and Water Conservation Fund projects include:

  • Calvert County used $487,550 of Land and Water Conservation Funds to acquire 48.35 acres for a public park that will offer access for hiking, nature study, fishing, and launching of non-motorized boats.
  • Caroline County used $775,000 of Land and Water Conservation Funds to acquire 207 acres for North County Park, just north of the Greensboro Town limit. Natural trails and a parking lot provide current public access to the site. Future outdoor recreation amenities include multi-purpose athletic fields, playground, picnic areas, and more.

Since its inception, the Land and Water Conservation Fund program has funded more than 400 projects throughout Maryland, totaling more than $90 million.

The national program is administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior.



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